My lil collection of magnets on the fridge

Hello, Hivers and collectors!

I just came from visiting my friend Paloma's post Imanes en la nevera // Magnets on the fridge, and I liked the idea of sharing mine. I don't consider myself a collector at all, but this month's theme in the Hive Collectors community is Fridge magnets - hot collections on a cold surface! and of those, I do have some! So this is my first post in the community.

Some of my magnets over the years ended up in the trash since for a long time they were holding drawings that my son used to make. He loved to hang his favorites on the fridge door with the consequence that some of the magnets ended up broken.

However, some have survived the passage of time and here I show you my little collection of magnets on the fridge.


Almost all of those magnets are souvenirs from trips we have taken. I'm not in the habit of buying a magnet every time I travel like some people, but some have crossed my path and ended up on my fridge door. And now that I look at them they are good memories of the old days.

The closest to my heart


This one is not from a trip. My son made a few crafts in his school days to stick on the fridge. This is the only one that has stood the test of time. And although the photo and heart are a little yellowed they are still in place on my fridge door. 💕

The oldest


The oldest of my collection are two magnets that we bought when we visited the Van Gogh Museum on a trip to Amsterdam in 2001.

My favorites


I bought both of them on a trip we made in 2010 to Portugal and Galicia. We bought the rooster in Lisbon and the boat when we visited La Coruña.

Mafalda's Corner


In my fridge, Mafalda takes center stage. I always loved Mafalda's comic strips. Do you know them?

Mafalda is an Argentine comic strip written and drawn by cartoonist Quino. The strip features a six-year-old girl named Mafalda, who reflects the Argentinian middle class and progressive youth, is concerned about humanity and world peace, and has an innocent but serious attitude toward problems. Wikipedia

We bought these magnets in Buenos Aires on a trip in 2014, when we went to a Latin American film market. One afternoon we went into a store in the San Telmo neighborhood to buy our son a gift from the trip. We thought of buying him a Mafalda comic book and came out with these fridge magnets in addition to the book.



This colorful bus is also a lot of years old. We bought it in Aruba in 2003.



We bought the Istanbul one in 2019. Istanbul for me is a magical city and I wanted to bring back a small souvenir from there.

The Disney one is from a vacation in 2011 when we took our son to the parks in Orlando.



Those of the Guggenheim in Bilbao were bought by my hubby when he was invited to the ZINEBI film festival in 2003 and visited the museum. I remember that I did not travel with him because I was pregnant and in those months I used to have an upset stomach all the time hehe.

The Yogi Bear I do not remember when they came home, but my mom gave them to my son one day they went out together. I remember there were three of them, but I don't know what happened to the third one.

The broken one


The last one is the poor crab that has lost its pincers. We bought it on a trip to Brazil, specifically to the small paradise that is the town of Jericoacoara, in the north of the country. I have always felt sorry to throw it away, even though it is broken. But so far has been saved from ending up in the garbage can. Do you think I should keep it even if is broken?

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

June 21, 2024

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