Fridge magnets - hot collections on a cold surface!


The weather is getting very warm and in just a few hours June is taking over this race that the months have. May was a winner in its own way, as it is every month, as long as it lasts. Speaking of collections, we had stuffed animals on display. Some had to be washed to get to the community feed and others were waving at us, like Elmo did in my post. This time other creatures welcome the new month and all the Hive collectors.

The first to greet us is a little mouse in my fridge. I went to the kitchen to freshen up by taking fruits out of the refrigerator and what I found was a hot collection. Nowadays, you can't even get food out of that appliance if you are not behaving well with the refrigerator magnets. You see, this is what I had to say: Hello little mouse, would you be so kind as to let me open the door of this cave, which contains some food treasures? Okay, okay, I know it's not a cave, it's a fridge, but since the light bulb burned out, the inside of my refrigerator really does look like a cave. So, will we get the grapes and cherries now?


Mister Smiling Piano was perfectly doing his job - he was smiling by default. But if I think better... I suppose he got inside the cave fridge and drank some Irish Cream. That is his secret of an ever-smiling attitude. Or maybe the fact he was holding some papers with his legs, for example, a recipe for a fish stew that was there for years... Then he tricked us and changed the list of ingredients and the dish was no longer a fish stew. It has become a recipe for the Hunter's Lunch - catch what's in the fridge for yourself.


That is how mischievous the fridge magnets are. Some will meow at you and look at you with a tender gaze, asking for milk or yoghurt. Then you have no choice but to give them everything they asked for.



In addition to meowing, smiling and talking magnets, we can also meet a part of this collection that is thin. These fridge magnets decided to eat just healthy food, no sweets, carbs, cakes, junk food or else. We should all have these healthy habits... for our own reasons. Their reason for staying thin and light was to get a better attachment to the surface. If heavy... there can be some issues, that you will see in the next section.





A promise is a promise - I have to explain the difference between the light and heavy fridge magnets. These heavy magnets were gourmands. They used to empty the fridge every night until they got fat and heavy. Well, that's where the problem arose. The magnets were too weak compared to their body weight so they fell on the ground several times and lost some of their parts.

They are broken.



The best ever scientist, Nikola Tesla should have warned them. However, it was not a matter of science to know that heavy materials are not very good for fridge magnets.


That's why I'm also a little scared to have this handmade glass magnet on the fridge. He usually sleeps in a box to avoid any accidents. I would be very sorry if that happened.



There is one good thing when you decide to have a collection of fridge magnets. Even if they suffer some accidents, you can get new ones as gifts from your friends or family when they travel somewhere or you can buy one for yourself if they don't like giving you these items. Luckily, my son and husband brought me a few from different cities, like it is Madrid, Valencia, Hamburg or Barcelona.



The last one... the beautiful Barcelona magnet is a bit gourmand too, but I hope it is strong enough to remain unharmed! Fingers crossed it never falls when I open the door of my fridge!

{Should I just avoid using this home appliance? 🤔😂}



Dear Hive collectors, will I have the honour to see your hot collection on the cold surface - your fridge magnets collection? It is now the official topic for the month of June! :)))


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