My fascination with earrings - An elegant and handcrafted collection 🌟


I don't remember specifically when this great taste for earrings began.

As a child and teenager I always wore the same earrings, earrings that my maternal grandmother gave me and I didn't want to change. I wanted nothing to do with wearing any other kind of earrings.

Life changes and moves on and I think it was when I was studying my computer courses and then when I started teaching that this fascination and the collection of them began.


I liked to go to the craftsmen's fair in my city, which always took place between the first and second week of October. There were many articles of all kinds, but what attracted my attention the most were the earrings and rings. But the rings ... that's for another day.

They were in silver, alpaca, which is more malleable, and many contained stones of various shapes and colours.

The designs were always amazing and I attended every year since 2002. That year a cousin told me about the fair and I liked it so much that I never stopped going until I moved to Spain.


When I started teaching computer classes, one of my students was making jewellery of all kinds, styles and designs. At the same time she was giving classes at home on that subject and my mother started to attend. My student sold the materials and so my mother bought everything she needed.


So she started to make costume jewellery for herself and for me too, I think that, at that moment, more than any other, I started to collect earrings.

The stones she bought and the designs my mother came up with were so beautiful that I would always ask her for a new one and I would wear them all.

When I was teaching I always had to be well dressed, elegant, at least that's how I like it. And accessories couldn't be left out, so I wore everything my mother made me.

There were more rustic ones and other more refined ones.

Stones were a must, and I especially like mother-of-pearl stones.


They come in many colours and in my case, if they were red or pink, all the better. It is the colour I like the most.

Earrings with wooden stones, transparent stones, mother-of-pearl, fantasy stones, I liked everything.


And I never had a problem with allergies in my ears, as many people do. So I could wear any kind of material. That made my collection grow more and more every day and I loved that.

Of course I also had earrings that I bought at the fair. And the number of earrings was increasing.

Other earrings were given to me on special occasions like my birthday.

I prefer silver to gold, so I only have gold as a souvenir from my grandmother.


Then I have some silver earrings that, at the farewell party for my departure to Spain, many of my students gave me. They are also beautiful souvenirs that make me relive that moment.

Earrings specially given to me by my mother, which are a beauty and I reserve them for special occasions.

Even my friend here in Spain gave me a pair of her own, which I treasure very much.

I especially like the pendants, the longer ones, as you may have noticed in the photographs. Since many of them are the ones my mother made for me at my request.


But I also have them in many shapes, colours and designs.

Of course I couldn't bring everything I had in Argentina, but many of them came with me. I can't help it, I love them.


The best of all is that if one breaks or something happens to it, I have my mother nearby to repair it. No kidding it's true and she's always happy to do it.

It's not just a collection of earrings, it's art made by my mother, in most cases and in other cases a collection of precious memories.

Thank you all so much for watching and reading this far. If you like any of my earrings more than others, please let me know in the comments, I'd love to know which one is your favourite. Guess which one is my favourite.

Greetings to all and see you next time.

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All photographs are my own.
Separators created by me in Photoshop.
Used translator free version.

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