Pathway to Success on Hive - Let’s get Cute together


Occasionally, the issues I’ve seen new user faced with are specifically about getting seen.

Getting seen in a place like Hive, which is a web 3 platform, can be a difficult and impossible task at times. I could remember starting out months ago and trying to navigate myself among a myriad of other Hivers.

To be honest, it’s a daunting task. First you’ve got to involve yourself with a community, then the users and then the community rules as well.

But all that is about to get easier and better with the new C.U.T.E community building initiative.

What's the CUTE strategy anyway?

You may be asking what’s the meaning of cute. This isn’t attached to anything beauty related, but rather, a one word for a way to succeed on a tokenized social media like Hive. And this doesn’t only apply to Hive alone, but in this post it’s all about succeeding on Hive as a newbie or a long-term Hiver.

CUTE stands for Comments, Upvotes, Twitter (now known as X) and Earning.

All this is summed up to create the CUTE initiative, which is the focus of the BLOOM community.

Without further ado, getting started on Hive is a hassle that has made many Hiver’s give up on the grind. But that’s going to end with the cute strategy.

And now that you know what the word stands for, then I will further analyze why it’s a great help for both new and long-term Hivers in getting seen and recognized in the bloom community. And in any community per say.


Commenting, which is the C, isn’t only about reading and commenting alone on posts, but rather it’s a way to put yourself out there. Without you commenting on posts, there is no way for other Hivers to see you nor will they search for you for any reason.

They don’t even know about you in the first place.

Family and friends who know you personally might find you easily when you give them your username, but for other Hivers who have zero knowledge about you, the only proven way to get seen by them is to comment on their articles.

And not just any comments but a creative addition, advice, perspective, and even criticism on what you think about their article.


And each comment you make will always provide a way to earn upvotes in return, either from the author or anyone who saw your comment and thinks it’s worth something.

And a secret tip I would like to share with you is that it’s possible to earn more for a comment than you're earning from a post. I’ve slacked on my engagement lately, but I’ve seen this happen times without numbers. However you’ve got to give it a try to find out for yourself.

Just like taskmaster would always say - go make 500 comments and come back to me about your experience. This is for those complaining about not earning upvotes.


Twitter is another beast on its own because unlike Hive (which is a web 3 platform) it’s a web 2 platform and its workings might be more familiar to you than a place like Hive.

You might be thinking why we are talking about a web 2 platform here on web 3. The main reason and the only reason is to onboard other users who are on X (formerly known Twitter) so that we can help grow the Hive user base and get them started in the web 3 ecosystem.

Apart from building connections on X, you also have a chance to earn from your tweets when you link your hive articles in your tweets.


Earning, which is the last part, is a cute strategy is a well analyzed one because you’ve got to earn from your activities both on Hive and on X.

Following all the strategy analyzed by the bloom community is a sure way to success on the Hive blockchain. And just like I said, you get to earn from all your activities without having to lose anything and as the community becomes more active, so will the earnings grow bigger too.

In short—it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, so don’t let anything stop you from getting started today. And if you’re still new or have even got a hive account, just sign up through this link and join the bloom community today to give the cute strategy a go. And don’t forget to thank me later.

Thanks for reading. Until next time.

image belongs to the cute community

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