Hive Backed Dollars versus Bitcoin as a value transfer system

Money can't be sent through the internet, but HBD can

  • As I read and listened to video lectures from Jack Maller, the CEO of Strike, a licensed and regulated Money Transfer Company if the US.
  • Strike not only helps it's customers buy and sell things in Bitcoin, it also helps it's customers send FIat currency from many areas of the globe to other areas using the Bitcoin Lighning Blockchain.
  • As I learned more and more I realized that the Hive Blockchain could be used for this purpose, and possibley be better at it then Bitcoin Lightning.

Bitcoin was the worlds first digital money

  • This allows you to send money literally through the internet, as simply as you send an email message.
  • Strike allows it's customers to swap their currency for bitcoin, move bitycoin from point a to point b, then swap it back for the currency needed at point b..
  • Dollars and Euros can't move on the internet, only promises to pay dollars or euros can be sent on the internet.
  • So Strike proposes that the world convert to the Bitcoin Money Transfer System because of the secure, public network, secured by thousands if not millions of computers globally.
  • And to make this work at scale, Strike uses the Lightning Network, a second layer solution on Bitcoin for cheaper transaction fees and microtransactions.
  • I love the lectures and understand why this is better then the current system, but it seems not as good as using USDT, a closed private system on Ethereum, with lower fees, smaller transaction fees and present in as many markets.
  • But when I think of all the downsides of USDT as a closed, rewindable blockchain where wallets can be frozen and fund transfers reversed, not to mention wallets confiscated, I think Hive is a better solution.


  • Hive has ...
    cheaper transaction fees (free)
    faster transaction times
    irreversible transactions
    non-freezeable wallets
    unconfiscatable funds

HBD is a stablecoin

  • So no exposure to volatility
  • PEGGED to the Dollar through it's dollar worth of HIve valuation
  • Hive already has APIs to allow you to make Point Of Sale purchases with HBD
  • HBD just needs some marketing and capitolization
  • It would be wonderful if I could figure out a way to convert a BItcoin Maxi to Hive by figuring out a way to convince them that Stablecoins are a better way to go then Bitcoin.
  • I am still figuring a way to connect the two via a swap or wrapped arrangement through a reputable custodian like Bitgo .
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