Making Pandan Pudding

pudding.. pudding and pudding dishes that I really like because it is very easy to make, has many benefits for smooth digestion and of course is rich in fiber, especially if consumed cold, this pudding is really delicious and all ages can consume it. and because I like pudding I became more interested in developing pudding recipes to be more interesting and I have never tried before so that the variations become more and of course it is not boring if it has to be eaten every day because of the different variations. and for today I will make pudding from melon flavored Jelly Flour but if I only use the jelly flour the color will definitely be pale and definitely need additional green coloring while I don't have a stock of green food coloring at home, so my wife suggested using pandan leaves which are abundant behind the house, a brilliant idea and I immediately executed it.

Ingredients I Need:

1. 1 pack of melon flavored jelly flour

2. 5 - 6 pandan leaves

3. 3 slices of white bread

4. 500 ML water

5. 1 pack of 65 ML instant coconut milk

6. 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar

How to make:

1. Wash the pandan leaves then cut them into several pieces and put them in a blender and pour water into it then blend until smooth after smooth strain and discard the pandan dregs while we put the water into a pan

2. After that I just put granulated sugar into the pan

3. Then the instant coconut milk

4. Then the last ingredient I put in is the jelly powder

5. After all the ingredients are in, stir until smooth then cook over medium heat until boiling while continuing to stir

6. After boiling, let it sit for a while and I will cut the bread into several small pieces and I put it into the mold

7. Then I pour the jelly mixture and let it cool

8. After that I just put it into the mold.

9. The pandan pudding is done and ready to be consumed.

and do you know when cooking this pudding the aroma of pandan is very dominant during the cooking process besides the aroma of Jelly flour which has a melon aroma also helps this pudding to be even more fragrant, not only the aroma when cooked, when the pudding is served the aroma of pandan is also very strong and this is very appetizing when eating it, the color is also very beautiful and this is very adorable, I like then the combination of white bread that I put in makes this chewy pudding more delicious and filling and there is a different sensation there. you must try this recipe.
and greetings from Tomi diwirja, Indonesia

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