Processing rice noodles with mushrooms and mustard greens

Hello all HIVE friends in this community. It's almost evening now and it's time for me to make a simple dish that I can make quickly and without leaving the house because it's already cloudy so I just use the ingredients I have at home.

Ingredients needed to cook this rice noodle:

1. 500 grams of Rice Noodles

2. Red chilies according to each person's spicy tolerance and if I use 3-4 chilies, red
3. 3-4 cloves of shallots
4. 2 cloves of garlic
5. 1 tomato
6. Celery leaves and leeks to taste

7. ½ tablespoon of salt
8. 1 tablespoon of chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

9. 1 piece of dried wood ear mushroom with a large size or to taste

10. Pagoda mustard greens 2 small trees because the size is medium.

How to make:

1. The first step is to soak the dried wood ear mushrooms in water until they expand

2. Then while waiting for the wood ear mushrooms to expand, I prepare the spices that I will grind, such as shallots. Garlic, and chilies. After cleaning and washing them thoroughly, I blend them until smooth.

3. The next step I take is to clean the pagoda mustard greens from small insects and remaining soil, then I wash them thoroughly

4. Then the next step is to slice the wood ear mushrooms that have expanded

5. Then I also slice the celery leaves, parsley leaves, and tomatoes.

6. Then saute the ground spices and cook over low heat

7. After it smells good, add salt

8. After that, the next seasoning is to add chili sauce and sweet soy sauce, then stir slowly

9. After that, add the wood ear mushrooms that I have sliced, stir again

10. Then add the rice noodles, stir slowly

11. Then add the pagoda mustard greens and I want the mustard greens to still have a crunchy texture

12. Don't forget to add sliced ​​celery leaves and pre leaves, then stir until evenly mixed and adjust the taste

13. After that, turn off the heat and the noodles can be served. Enjoy while hot or warm

Everyone has their own recipe for making a dish depending on how their tongue enjoys it. Some have to use flavor enhancers to balance their flavors, some have to use a lot of garlic and many more. But one does not really like dishes that have too many spices in them and I also avoid dishes that are too spicy, salty or too sweet and dishes that are overcooked.
Hope you like my recipe. And greetings from Maytom. Indonesia

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