Make clear vegetables from winged beans and moringa leaves from your own home garden

Hi HIVE friends, today I will make a simple menu, but the main ingredients I am sure are not in all countries, or not all areas in my country, Indonesia, are grown by this plant and not all Indonesians know that this vegetable can be processed and its nutritional content is very high. Very good for the body, especially for breastfeeding mothers and reduces bad cholesterol. The names of these vegetables are Moringa leaves and winged beans, these two ingredients are in my garden and I always cultivate them every day and what you also need to know is that these two types of plants do not need fertilizer and pest poison, these plants are very resistant to pests.

Winged bean itself is a type of plant whose leaves, apart from the fruit, are also very soft when processed into vegetables or simply boiled. Winged bean leaves are very suitable for fence plants in front of the house because of their spreading nature. For me, I prefer vegetables compared to fish and I consume more vegetables and fruit compared to fish and other types of animals. And talking about Moringa leaves, these leaves are very feared by followers of black magic and it has become an open secret in Indonesia, even though times are very modern, there are still many people who work together with jinn to smooth their affairs in the world and are one of the antidotes to black magic. It comes out of the body by shaking some Moringa leaves with a certain spell. Apart from all these mystical things, Moringa leaves also have good benefits for the body and, just like winged beans, they can reduce bad cholesterol, are anti-cancer and are very good for breastfeeding mothers.

And for dinner this time, I will combine these two ingredients and process them into one simple menu and to manage this menu you don't need all kinds of spices, just a very simple menu of ingredients and I can feel on my tongue that these 2 kinds of plants are very delicious. soft in the mouth, tomorrow morning my digestion will definitely be smooth.

The ingredients I need to make this menu are

1. Winged bean fruit
For the number of winged beans, I use just enough, approximately 5-10 small winged beans and of course the young ones, if the winged beans are old then the texture of the flesh will be tough.

2. Moringa leaves
Use just enough and I didn't weigh it for this

3. Salt to taste
4. 1 Tomato
5. Shallots, approximately 5-6 cloves depending on the size

6. Water approximately 250 ML


How to make :

  1. Separate the Moringa leaves from the twigs, because the twigs and stems of Moringa leaves contain purine, we will only use the leaves for this vegetable menu.**

2. Cut the winged beans according to taste and I cut the winged beans at an angle so that they are more aesthetic in my eyes

3. After cutting all the sauru vegetables, wash them until clean

4. Thinly slice the shallots and if you like garlic you can add it, but my husband doesn't like it so I only use shallots. And after slicing the shallots until they were brown, then I shifted the shallots and poured the used oil into a separate container, I did this because I didn't want my clear vegetables to contain excess cooking oil which could increase my bad cholesterol. after that I put water into the pan and waited for it to boil

5. After boiling, add the Moringa leaves and winged beans and also add the tomatoes that have been previously sliced

6. Then add just a little salt, approximately ½ teaspoon

7. It doesn't take long, only about 5 minutes, the clear vegetables, Moringa leaves and winged beans, can be removed and served.

8. Enjoy while hot or warm.

It's very simple to make, friends, and this menu can also be used for spinach. And that was my simple menu. There will be many other simple menus which of course will not have simple benefits for the body. Greetings from Maytom, Indonesia

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