Made pineapple pudding which was a bit of a failure

Pudding is one of the dessert menus that is very easy to make, and it doesn't take a long time, everyone can make this pudding without failure, but in this recipe I almost failed a little not because of the taste but the color that I had in the pudding this time very pale, like a living corpse or someone who has just met a debt collector. A little annoying, but even so, I still finished eating it with my husband. And because this puding is very easy to make, I will just prepare the ingredients for you.

The materials needed are

1. 1 slice of pineapple
2. 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
3. 300 ML water
4. 1 packet of gelatin flour
5. 1 pack of instant coconut milk

How to make :

1. I took the pineapple flesh then I put it in the blender

2. Then the next step I also put water into the blender and mixed the instant coconut milk into it.

3. Then the next step is to blend the pineapple until smooth

4. Once it was smooth, I put it in the pan and the last ingredient to go in was the gelatin powder. Stir until smooth then cook over medium heat until boiling

5. After boiling, put it into the mold, leave it to cool then remove it into the mold.

6. The pineapple pudding has been made and can be enjoyed.

However, I just found out that my pudding had an unattractive color because I didn't add any artificial coloring and the gelatin powder I used was also white. Even though the taste is still delicious and delicious, we also cannot underestimate color, because the color in the food will definitely arouse the appetite and food lovers will definitely enjoy eating it. Sometimes it doesn't matter how it tastes, but if the shape and color are appetizing then the connoisseurs will buy the food.
Even though I was the only one who enjoyed this food, I was also a little disappointed with the color. In the future, I will not leave food coloring for the nennas pudding or I will replace the gelatin powder with color.
Greetings Maytom, Indonesia

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