Home Cooked vs. Ready Meals

Good day good folks.

Currently i'm in the UK sharing my time between my Mum's and my daughter's (and son-in-law and grandsons).

Mum suffers from Dementia and some lack of mobility and usually has ready-meals delivered and stored in the freezer, then re-heats one each day in a micro-wave oven.

Yeah, i know using a micro-wave is bad for health, but there's not much of a choice when she's on her own, as many burnt cooking pots testify.

Source (with links)

Anyway, i've been preparing some of her food while i'm here, and today decided to do a cost calculation to compare.

I made a veggie curry with rice using 2 pans which i cleaned with a lot of elbow grease and wire-wool pads.

i had already partly cleaned this pan, but while doing so i noticed it leaked from a tiny hole in the bottom. It must have have been glowing to melt the weld at bottom if pan!

The useable (stainless steel) pans were quite small (as only other option was a big aluminium pressure cooker, and i don't use aluminium cookware as it's also bad for health, especially dementia!

Recipe and Instructions
Anyway, i half filled the smallest pan with rice (rinsed first but not soaked for a day or two which is best for digestion, removing phytic acids and quicker cooking time).

Image Source

I nearly filled the bigger pan with all other (chopped first) ingredients (except apple and sweet potato as they take less time to cook), and the coconut cream was added at end to avoid reducing beneficial properties by heating too much).

Prep time approx. 20 minutes
Cooking time approx. 25 minutes
Servings - 4

As you can see i re-used a couple of the plastic containers from previous ready meals.

i ate the one on the plate, the rest went in the fridge, as Mum had already eaten. i expect she'll like it. She has not complained yet!

So, cost comparison as you can is:
£4.55 - £0.39 = £4.16 per meal, a 91% saving!

i was surprised, i suspected it might be 50-60% less, but this is a huge difference.

Other Benefits
In addition to the huge cost saving, the food is much better for health as it's vegan, fresher, not cooked in a micro-wave oven, and has healing ingredients, particularly the turmeric, black pepper and coconut cream which is particularly good for dementia.

Also, less plastic waste, less fuel used for delivery, and energetic benefits too i expect as prepared by me as opposed to in a factory.

And, i like preparing healing food, so it's a win-win :-)

That's all folks,
Sat Nam

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

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