Kick Starting My Year

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I legit can't articulate my lack of activity here and my hiatus, but I can say that life has been happening and I have just been trying to live. Maybe in my next post, I will give a life update. But for this, I wanted to share with my book community where I am in the reading aspect.

I haven't been reading for a while so I decided to pick a book and try to spur myself into reading again. I miss the days I used to be a voracious reader. One of the lessons in Mark Manson's famous book; The subtle art of not giving a f*ck is the 'Do Something principle'. Simply put, it is the idea that motivation doesn't translate into action but vice versa. If you want to do something, do anything related to that thing, and voila, it spirals into action. In my case, I bought a hardcover book. I had earlier planned to read Nietzche's 'Beyond Good and Evil', but I could barely wrap my head around the ideas, so I went for something I'd surely enjoy more.

I was on my way to the market to get a couple of shirts shoes and all, when the book vendor flashed his collections at my face. I sure as hell couldn't resist. Ironically, I saw Mark Manson's masterpiece amongst others. I finally decided to settle for this novel by Larry Burkett. It looked exciting from the cover, so I am hoping the content won't disappoint. See you guys soon with my review. Cheers.
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