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Go Ask Alice - My Book Review / My entry for the January book review contest

Alas, that day is upon us. I started reading this book late last year, but finished reading it just a couple of days ago, but I'd have to count it as my first book of the year on the road to fifty so help me God. Hello Hivers, welcome to my blog again. So it turns out I would be writing more book reviews than before because we now have an active and thriving Hive book club where I would be spending more of my time. Just a quick one, of what to expect going forward, my book reviews always contain two main heading; My view and My RE-view. The first one is always like my own subjective opinion while the other is my objective and unbiased, albeit honest notion I have of the book. Without further ado, lets get right into it.


Title - Go Ask Alice
Author - Anonymous
Genre - Novel/Young adult fiction (debatable)
Originally Published - 1971


I think I choose to review this book because it is my recent read, and of course the information therein are still very much fresh inside my head because I almost always kind of forget most of the books I read, i remember only certain information thaf resonates with me, I don't know if its just me, haha. The book was believed to be composed by Beatrice Sparks. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine some time ago and he was explaining to me how he was battling certain forms of drug abuse, I really wanted to know the full story and all, how it goes in your mind when you use certain illegal drugs or when you overdose and all that sort, he eventually shared this book with me which prompted me into reading it and I actually was engrossed into it. It has being argued that the book is a work of fiction, not a real story, oh and wait, did I tell you this book is a diary, oh yes it is. Whether it is real, whether it isn't, I guess we never will know.

My View

Okay, first of I gotta say, Intense. Who would have thought that the diary of a teenager would be one to keep a reader agape. A diary of a teenage girl who's name was never mentioned, who develops a drug addiction at a very tender age of 15, runs away from home in fear. Okay, I would try not to put in spoilers but its quite difficult when you're giving your 2cents, but one thing for sure is that, its never the same with when you read it. Again, the book was very intense and left me turning pages on my phone. There was an originality inherent in the writing that was quite interesting but I guess its a diary so it would have that. Like every other good book, you always want a happy ending and that's what this one makes you feel. The book started of with a high level of excitement and normalcy, albeit posing understandable life challenges to the protagonist, midway, everything went sour like a rotten yogurt. Tragedy struck, no one wants tragedy, not even for their enemy, okay maybe some enemies, like Hitler, he is an asshole. Towards the ending, tragedy struck again as the protagonist went to a mental hospital for what is believed to be self inflicted injuries from drug overdose. Out she comes to her family, everything was going great and boooom, she dies, I mean, what the fuck. I feel this book is faux, for many reasons. One main reason which is that, the protagonist was able to keep a diary all through her turbulent life journey, thought it was written in the end that the book was about to be exhausted, but that doesn't make it any more real, nonetheless, I feel its a good read.

My RE-view

Intense, real, original, educative, insightful,etc. This are all but few adjectives that one can use to describe this work. A book filled with insights from the eye of teenage girl, teaches a lot of lesson. One notable lesson is the need to talk to people around you, families maybe, when you seem to be in a rough patch. The protagonist only talked to her diary, which was catastrophic in the end. Also, The need for parents to get closer to their kids is a very glaring and obvious message from the work. It also send the main and original message of the dangers of drug abuse but I honestly feel it might be doing a different job of overly stating the excitement and "trips" involved in drugs. Finally, a book meant for young audience but very much recommended for everyone goes to become a bestseller after all.
  • Would I recommend? Yes, but of course its always advisable to read every book with an open mind.
  • Why would I recommend? Mainly because of the lessons therein. There seem to be one in every single page.