TWISTED LOVE isn't really a good book.

Trying so hard to get into the habit of reading again and I ended up with this.

This book has been sitting in my library for almost two years now, I never really wanted to read it. I mean,I didn't feel the vibe to read it, the other side of me didn't want to read it and now I know why.

Twisted Love is part of the book series "Twisted" written by Ana Huang. It was originally published 21st April 2021. Twisted Love is a romance novel that revolves around Ava, a Chinese college student and Alex Volkov, her brother's best friend. It throws light on the struggles of Ava and Alex facing psychological and probably physical abuse and how they go through it. Ava puts on a nice font to cope and relate better with the world. Alex puts on a mean and scary font to also relate better with the world. You'd understand this better once you've read it, I do not wish to throw in any spoilers.

Honestly, this book was disappointing. I was able to predict every single thing from the beginning of the first chapters till the end of the book. This is my own idealogy and I genuinely apologize if you have anything against it or find it offensive but I do not like books or shows or movies I can predict and Twisted Love was a let down. The amount of TikToks and Instagram reels I have seen about this book is outrageous considering how simple and predictive the book is. It's like a typical Wattpad book, there wasn't anything so new or special about it so why the enthusiasm and hype and swoon? Or it is being liked because of how simple it is? I have no idea.

I did pick a thing from reading the book though (thank goodness the hours I spent wasn't completely in vain). For a human being, personality is very important. It defines you,it tells who you are and it makes people react to you in accordance to it. The idea of Ava being nice to protect herself and Alex being extremely ruthless to get through something made me realize that some people aren't truly week. I felt guilty, staring at some person's and calling them 'pathetic' in my head without actually knowing their back story. Some humans are so nice and they truly deserve everything beautiful in the world. Now,this niceness is sometimes being seen as weekness. Maybe a particular individual wasn't able to judge accurately or dish out the required punishment or deserved action to a particular person because of the attribute of being "too nice". There's a different between being too nice and nice. Twisted Love made me realize that people are so sad in this world. I mean has been through a lot, currently going through depression, recovery or whatsoever, all these with a smile or a scowl or frown on their face. It's wrong to judge others when you're not perfect yourself. I mean someone's mean doesn't make the person bad or terrible(okay,it does sometimes but try understanding it from their perspective). These personalities are coping mechanisms! "She's too nice", a coping mechanism. "He's a mean and ruthless man", also a coping mechanism!

Let's not forget that there are also extremely bad people that are born bad, STAY AWAY FROM THESE ONES. "But how do I know that?", honestly, I have no idea. Trust your guts I guess?

Image is a screenshot from my phone

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