Who Moved My Cheese - An A-Mazing Way to embrace Change (Book review)

I've been a reader all my life but I've only read a motivational book. Just one motivational book out of the numerous numbers out there. I know it's not something to be proud of but I'm working towards bettering myself where self-help books are concerned. Life is not fiction. I grew up in a home, with a dad who did not mind spending the whole day reading books from authors like Sun Tzu, Lee Kuan Yew, Prince Machiavelli and the likes. I grew up with these books around me but was more invested in fiction. Although, I didn't get to read any other of my dad's books, there was one I read. And that's what I'll be reviewing today.

Who Moved My Cheese is one of my favorite childhood books because I loved the simple yet meaningful way in which messages were passed across to the reader. Recently, I came across a review on it, here on hive and my love for it was rekindled. So, I went searching for it among my dad's stack of books and when I saw it, I couldn't wait to delve into it's contents and reignite my love for it.

Who Moved My Cheese is a 94 paged book written by Spencer Johnson.

When a group of former classmates reunite over launch, they discuss the changes they have encountered since leaving school. They talk about the experiences they've had and the ones they are going through when one of them, Nathan, decides to tell a story he heard that changed things and the way he viewed things in his life and that of his company. He narrates the story of two mice, Sniff and Scurry, and two little people, Hem and Haw. These four characters ran through a maze everyday, in search of cheese to nourish them and make them happy. They all soon find their desired cheese at Cheese Station C and every morning, they head there to enjoy the tasty cheese morsels that awaited them. While Sniff and Scurry inspect the cheese for changes every morning, Hem and Haw develop an arrogant sense of entitlement to it. When suddenly, the cheese is moved from Cheese station C, Sniff and Scurry adapt to it immediately and go look for new cheese. But will Hem and Haw accept that their lovely Cheese that waited for them at Cheese Station C has suddenly been moved? Will their fear of venturing into the new let them adapt to the change?

My Review

This author has an amazing writing style. My little self back then found this book fascinating, thanks to the author's writing style. The premise through which he passed his message is something to be admired. This book was written in a simplistic yet mentally captivating way. You, as a reader, get to view things from our character's points of view and at the same time, analyse and interprete the message however you want to, while reading this book. I really loved that about the book. His idea of change isn't something that was imposed on the readers. Instead, the reader is given an opportunity to understand and interpret for himself/herself. This was a very creative and beautiful thing done by the author.

There are the characters. Hem, the little person whose fear hindered him from exploring, Haw, the other little person, the most brazen among them both. Sniff and Scurry, two mice that served as motivation for Haw and Hem to adapt to change. I understood Haw very well as a character. When he was supposed to make moves, Hem is whiney about how entitled they were to his cheese and how stressful it'll be to start all over again. Hem is portrayed as stagnant here, in this book. He is ready to return every morning to Cheese Station C, in search of the old cheese when he was supposed to forge ahead and go find a new and better one. Hem's pessimistic nature ends up rubbing off on Haw and Haw's fear returns, subduing the drive to make a change. I've met so many Hem's in my life so I could understand the reason why Haw couldn't adapt sooner.

While every happening in the book is fictional, it is realistic as well. Change is inevitable. Even if you as a human choose to remain stagnant, life does it's thing and you'll find yourself somewhere new. Change happens everywhere and to every part of us. It is left to you as an individual to manage it. To either initiate the change or wait for it and adjust to it. Fear of change will only serve to hinder you. When faced with a new situation, rather than sitting to see what happens next, embrace it and move on. While Sniff and Scurry enjoyed new cheese in a new station, Hem and Haw sat in Cheese Station C, lamenting over how unfair it is that the cheese they did not put there was taken away. I feel like a motivational speaker right now😂. I'm not please. It's the book and my opinions about it doing their things😂.

I actually did not expect this review to be as long as this. I guess that's just how much I loved rambling about this book.

I give it a clean 9.2/10 rating. This is a book for everyone. Fiction and self-help readers alike. It is a blend of both. If you aren't much of a reader, embrace change and read this book. It's a must-read for everyone. I hope you do enjoy it and learn to adapt quickly to change.

Thanks for reading.

All images were taken by me

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