Only for the Week - An All-consuming yet Passionate Love Story (Book Review)

As a reader, I believe the first opinion on a book is in its cover design. The cover design of a book tells the story before the reader gets to open the book and that design is an author's first marketer. A book with the least attractive cover will be the least attractive for me to read. A book with an intriguing design for it's cover will peek my interest even before the title does.

Having finished the last book I was reading, there was this odd book in my collections. Among the plenty dark book designs I held, there was one that stood out. Very different from the others in it's circle. That "one" is titled Only for the Week.

I was so attracted to how beautiful and soft the cover was that I ventured into it almost immediately and here, I am, giving a review on it.

Only For the Week is a 230 paged book written by Natasha Bishop. It follows the story of a young lady named Janelle. When she goes to Tulum for the preparations for the wedding of her sister Amerie and her ex-boyfriend Arnold, everybody sees her as a heartbroken woman. Changing that notion isn't easy because not only does she have a history with the couple, she is the maid of honour at the wedding. On their first day in Tulum, Arnold's friend (Rome) shows his interest in Janelle and they both agree to let their attractions and whatever wants to go on between them last only for the week.

This book had a very immersive opening. It is one where your curiosity is piked and you want to understand things better. You delve into it unconsciously because you're seeking answers. Although the book lacks this immersive ability in it's later parts, it was a very intriguing book to delve into. A wedding of one's sister and one's ex-boyfriend isn't something common and it's not being common, gives you the reader something to ponder about. A conflict you'll want to know how the characters maneuvered their way around.

The plot also was really beautiful. Janelle and Rome's love story. Everything in this book was totally out of the usual. It was a very soothing love story that explored the themes of family, love and friendship.

I really liked a number of characters in this book and disliked some equally. Janelle for one. I liked how she handled matters in most situations. She is a character that one would easily mistake for a pushover but the reasons behind her actions were actually reasonable. Rome also was a very cute character. Reading how sweet Rome handled things with Janelle was beautiful. He did things so rightly and considering what Janelle had gone through in the hands of family, they were a match. Janelle was a reader and Rome bringing her book fantasies to life was also amazing.

For the characters I disliked, Amerie is one. There was no justification for her behaviour and insecurities portrayed in the book. She was so mean to Janelle and making it seem like Janelle was going to steal her fiance at every meeting. Later on in the book, when whatever she was going through was explained, it still didn't justify it. You don't have the right to be a bully because you're going through life.

This book had a very predictable plot. You didn't need to think twice before knowing what was going to happen at the end of the book. It got somewhat boring at a point because I could predict most of the character's next lines of action. It was extremely predictable and when you already know what is going to happen, and how it is going to happen, and everything happens like you predicted, it's unsatisfying to continue reading as a reader.

Also, the character development. I got into the book and was intrigued by the history behind the wedding but my curiosity wasn't satisfied. The author only made us know that Janelle and Arnold dated for a year and six months later, he's dating her sister. I feel the couple's story wasn't something the readers should have been denied. Something so out of the ordinary would have the readers wanting to understand it better but the writer didn't dwell on that and it was disappointing. They were essential side characters and their back stories were essential as well. Not only was the couple's backstory not talked about enough, so many other characters too. The character development was absolutely nothing to write home about. And to think that there were quite a handful of side characters.

This wasn't a so nice read because it left me feeling like the time I had invested in it was a waste of time.

I'll rate it a 5.04/10. Bonus points to the attractive cover. It was a soft read but too predictable and bland for my liking. I also don't think I'll be recommending it to anyone but if you'll like to see and have your own opinions for yourself, you're welcome to read it.

Thanks for reading.

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