Book Review And Summary: Be in charge by James O. Makinde


Hello all, it good to be with you once again hope you are all having a good time on the platform and in the real world out here, am back again with a post for today which happens to be a book review and this is definitely the first time am writing about a book review on the hive blockchain.

"Be in charge" is a book written by James O. Makinde a Nigerian book writer and book publisher. For those who loves reading books that reveals some strange secret about spiritual growth and physical things,this book is definitely the best one for you to read!. The book also talks more about the purpose of the creation of man to earth, with more other topics that shows and emphasize what you need to know about how you can get to understand God's intention for your life.

It is a book with different guidelines from a counselor to teach people about what they need to add and remove in there life to achieve a bountiful success and progress in there journey in life. James O. Makinde also talks about some other helpful tips and perspectives that will put a stop to inevitable abuses from different dimensions and angles.

About the Author;

James O. Makinde is a citizen of Nigeria, which happens to be a drama mister, a christian play writer, prolific writer and a counselor. He is the president of bible on stage INT'L (BOSI FILM) and the set man of spirit realm revival ministry, he is joyfully married to Queen Esther and also blessed with two great children they base presently in Lagos.

About the Book [Be in charge];

The book "Be in charge" was written by James O. Makinde, and it happens to be one of the copyright of the writer in the year 2011, the book was published by BOSI FILM publication and the book was dedicated to Queen Esther who is the writer's wife on a special day of his life. Acknowledgement of the writer about the book firstly goes to giving all the glory to God for granting him the grace and inspirations for bringing up the booklet and appreciation from the writer also goes to his wife for her sincere support for this project and many more.

The book "Be in charge" is made up of four chapters and with a final word, the book is a very small one with 54 pages the book describe the techniques and reasons why man must understand his make up or purpose of creation before he can live up to the heaven standards which will help to put an end to inevitable abuses from all dimensions.

Book introduction by the author

According to the author the book is a book that shows you what you need to do to to be in charge of your life doing the right thing which must be done by every individual.

However, Boldness is a spirit that everyone needs to posses, if you must be in control of your destiny. If you are not hold you can't lead, you can't express yourself, you die silently. For you to operate in the victory christ has purchased for us by his blood we need boldness to take boldness to be in charge.
Many operate in bone face and they called it boldness. Boldness is not frowing one's face or shouting, boldness is an expression of the holy spirit through your human spirit to be in charge of every situation around you.....
In this book BE IN CHARGE you will learn how to become whom you should be. How you can process boldness from your mind and power of boldness

Chapter 1: Be in charge "God's blue print for man"

The chapter one of the book "Be in charge" is with 6-18 pages which talks brief about the purpose of the creation of man in life, it also talks about God intentions for man, what God what to do with man, what God man to do for him, what man must do for God, and the writer share some stories and facts based on the intentions of God to man, boldness and purpose of man creation.

When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable, man must understand his purpose of creation before he or she can live up to that measure, a city set on hill can never be hidden.

The chapter 1 shows and emphasized more about the dangers of not knowing the purpose of a thing.

The sentence which I find hard to believe while reading the chapter one of the book title Be in charge is

My friend, hear this and keep it with you, that Boldness is a commandment.

The writer end this chapter with defining and bringing up the full meaning of the word BOLDNESS.
B: BUILD the confidence of people and God in you.
O: OIL of gladness is released into life from above to be in charge.
L: LEAD your pears in all ramifications of life
D: DARE the devil and his angents
N: NEW REALM of Gods glory is also enjoyed by you.
E: ENJOY DIVINE backing to what you say.
S: SUSTAINABLE strength to operate and to be in charge.

Chapter 2; Pillars of destiny

According to the writer of the book, the pillars of destiny are the thing that can help enhance your boldness in christ Jesus. These pillar include:

The word, the word of God

The word of God is a generator to generate boldness, when you know what the scripture says concerning a situation you will not be afraid to declare it.


What gives your right over the devil is your salvation. I mean you been saved from his snare. if you are not sure, confess your sin NOW and REPENT for tomorrow may be too late and if you have been saved, I advise that you guide your heart with all diligence and also your salvation.

Self understanding

The first thing to understand about your life in christ Jesus is that. "the strength of enternity is now impacted in you". You are not just some one born by flesh but now you are born by the spirit which automatically made you a spirit being.

Blood of Jesus, faith, His presence, praise & worship, obedience, Righteousness and wisdom and many more are refer to the pillars of destiny that will bring up a successful purposes that every man needs to study to know exactly what he or she needs to do to fulfil the purpose of there creation.

Chapter 3; Enemy of your soul

According to the writer he brought out different enemies of human soul in this chapter one is fear which made Saul in the bible fall and another is Bad feelings for doing something wrong.

The writer talk about how fear operates and the steps of conquering fear. He shared some fact about what can keep you backsliding and why you need to avoid them.

Chapter 4; Mind Processing

Battles of life are won or lost in mind before they are fought, if you are defeated in your mind or thought, its very difficult to win in physical. The greatest problem of the Israelites and that or Saul especially when confronted with Goliath was fear. But thank God that David came to their rescue....
Your thoughts gives and create results of the realities you think and will have.

According to the writer in this chapter he talked more about the power of mind processing prescribing the method to guide our minds and he said some quote about seven to give us a powerful and positive mindset that will make each and every one have a successful and perfect life to BE IN CHARGE OF ALL THINGS WIYJ CHRIST JESUS.

My Review about the Book

The book happens to be one of my favorite books of all, the book was published by James O. Makinde who is the father of my friend. The book kept me wondering about how to Interact with the world with the real boldness spirit which is in christ Jesus.

I recommend the book to everyone who want to become something great in life, and am pretty sure everyone want to become something great in life so the book is just for everyone.

My rating to the author's writing skills in the book is 10/10, i gave that rating because the book is filled with wisdom words and many other life experiences which shows that life is a battle ground and there is lot to learn to be an overcomer in the battle.

I found the book interesting and helpful i was given no reason to dislike any content in the book, the only part i found hard to believe is that;

My friend, hear this and keep it with you, that Boldness is a commandment.

I later found a reason to believe the speech because it is written in the Holy Quran and Holy Bible that God almighty said "Fear not" .

This is my first time making a review about a book in the Hive book club community you can give a rating about my review.


Thanks so much for reading!


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