What I learn from this book??

Today I wanted to share with all of you some rules which I learnt from book how to influence people and also learn from my life experience I feel that these rules have ability to change life so I write it down on my personal diary. Do you know that every person wants to make his personality that everyone likes but many people fail in this because they don't know how to become attractive person. What happens and what kind of people do people like the most? If I tell about myself, I have a very introverted personality,

I don't like to mix with people too much and I consider it against my temperament, but I definitely like to be friends with people who match my temperament. Even though I am so old, I have never extended my hand of friendship in front of anyone. Those who want me to be their friend, I become their friend and I can never say no to those.

If you are an introvert like me then you don't need to worry because in today's post I will tell you the ways to enhance your personality which I have learned from this book. (How to Win Friends and influence people)


1.Never criticize anybody for anything

Once an American ambassador talk in his interview that secret of my success is that i will speak ill of no man he said and speak all the good i know of everybody.

2.Give honest and sincere appreciation

Always remember that every human being have desire to feel important he will never tell you that he needs your appreciation but there is a saying of a scholar

Way to develop best in a person is by appreciation and encouragement

Study was made on runaways husbands and wives and reason was lack of appreciation

3.Third rule is try to understand other people point of view
try to keep yourself on the place of them when you are telling something to somebody never tell them that how much you benefitted from this task tell them that how he benefits from it

Everyone wants just their own advantage

4.You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than in two year by trying to get other people interested in you. If you want best friend you need to listen him first what is the problems of his life

5.There is a saying that action speaks louder than words and smile say I love you whenever you meet someone meet with a smile no one notices jewelry and dress thing which people notice is your face so wear a real smile on your face always

Once a scholar said that if you don't feel like smiling force yourself act as if you are already happy

So these were some rules which i wanted to share with all of you there are lot more but i did not wanted that you just read it i want that you implement these rules in your lifes and more things are difficult to handle so lets just start with few

Tell me in comment section whether you like these rules or not or you agreed with these rules or not i will be very glad

Thank you for reading

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