A BOOK YOU WON'T PUT DOWN! 😌 Review of the addictive "Verity" [ENG/ESP]


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Hello everyone! I hope you are doing great. If you're a new reader, welcome, I'm Nieves, a writer on and off and a hardcore reader addicted to romance, mystery and fantasy. After a long romance stint, I returned to mystery and honestly it's been going really well, especially with Colleen Hoover's "Verity: Shadow of a Deception".

I hadn't read Colleen Hoover because let's just say I haven't had very good references for her but I took the plunge and read this mystery with tinges of romance and I swear I couldn't put it down. It's a very addictive book and it certainly gives a little bit of chills.

But first let's go point by point:


Lowen Ashleigh, an author on the verge of bankruptcy, receives an assignment that will change her life: Jeremy, the brand new husband of Verity Crawford, one of the most important authors of the moment, hires her to finish the series of books his wife was working on before suffering a serious accident that has left her in a coma. Lowen moves into the couple's mansion so she can work on the notes Verity was working on, hoping to find enough material to get started on her assignment, but what she didn't expect to discover in the chaotic office is an autobiography of Verity herself, hidden away never to come to light.

My opinion

Honestly about the main characters I don't have much to say because neither of them are very well developed, Colleen focused quite a bit on Verity and that was fine with me. The flirtation that starts to develop between the two I would have liked more with a little less intensity.

But Verity, my goodness, the autobiography just leaves you cold. I had to stop reading because there were some really chilling scenes. The author did what she wanted with me since she decided to alternate the story between chapters from Verity's autobiography and chapters narrated by Lowen. There was no way the reading could slow you down because you needed to finish knowing what was going on, it was like reading two books in one.

The book makes you distrust everything and everyone, Jeremy, that Verity is really in bed, her nurse, even the main character herself, and that's pretty hard to do. You even distrust the ending, which my God, has a really good plot twist. If it weren't for the relationship between Jeremy and Lowen it would have been a 5/5 but it's definitely a proper 4/5, recommended and one you won't dare to put down.

And that was it! Forgive me for not going on at length but in a book so riddled with drama there is little I can say that isn't a spoiler, I hope you read it and enjoy it as much as I did. Let me know in the comments your opinion if you've already read it.

Big hugs!


Cover and dividers: edited in Canva App

Synopsis: Colleen Hoover

Translation: DeepL App

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¡Hola a todos! Espero estén de maravilla. Si eres nuevo lector, bienvenido, soy Nieves, escritora a ratos y lectora empedernida adicta al romance, el misterio y la fantasía. Después de una larga etapa de romance, volví al misterio y sinceramente me ha ido muy bien, sobre todo con “Verity: la sombra de un engaño” de Colleen Hoover

No había leído a Colleen Hoover porque digamos que no he tenido muy buenas referencias de ella pero me atreví a leer éste misterio con tintes de romance y les juro que no pude soltarlo. Es un libro muy adictivo y que sin duda da un poquito de escalofrío.

Pero primero vamos punto por punto:


Lowen Ashleigh, autora al borde de la bancarrota, recibe un encargo que le cambiará la vida: Jeremy, el flamante marido de Verity Crawford, una de las autoras más importantes del momento, la contrata para terminar la serie de libros en la que trabajaba su mujer antes de sufrir un grave accidente que la ha dejado en coma. Lowen se instala en la mansión del matrimonio para poder trabajar en las notas en las que trabajaba Verity, con la esperanza de encontrar material suficiente para empezar con su encargo, pero lo que no esperaba descubrir en la caótica oficina es una autobiografía de la propia Verity, escondida para que nunca salga a la luz.

Mi opinión

Sinceramente sobre los protagonistas no tengo mucho que decir porque ninguno de los dos está muy desarrollado, Colleen se centró bastante en Verity y eso estuvo bien para mí. El coqueteo que se empieza a desarrollar entre ambos me hubiese gustado más con un poco menos de intensidad.

Pero Verity, madre mía, la autobiografía te deja helada. Yo tenía que parar de leer porque había escenas realmente escalofriantes. La autora hizo lo que quiso conmigo desde que decidió alternar la historia entre capítulos de la autobiografía de Verity y los capítulos narrados por Lowen. No había manera de que la lectura se te hiciera lenta porque necesitabas terminar de saber qué pasaba, era como leer dos libros en uno solo.

El libro te hace desconfiar de todo y de todos, de Jeremy, de que Verity esté realmente en cama, de su enfermera, hasta de la misma protagonista, y eso es bastante difícilde lograr. Incluso desconfías del final, que Dios mío, tiene un muy buen plot twist. De no ser por la relación entre Jeremy y Lowen hubiese sido un 5/5 pero sin duda es un 4/5 en condiciones, recomendado y que no te vas a atrever a soltar.

¡Y eso fue todo! Perdonen que no me extienda pero en un libro tan plagado de drama hay poco que pueda decir que no sea spoiler, espero que lo lean y que lo disfruten tanto como yo. Haganme saber en los comentarios su opinión si ya lo leyeron.

¡Un abrazo grande!


Portada y divisores: editados en Canva App

Sinopsis: Colleen Hoover

Traducción: DeepL App

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