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The Professor Otagburuagu Kickstarter: How to Preorder and Support Our Novel Project Which Began Here on Hive

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As announced two days ago, my novella Professor Otagburuagu which is a collaboration between myself and Scandinavian artist @kathardisdrill (to do the illustrations) has just launched for pre-order on!

And as many of us already know, it is a book that began on hive like this and progressed to 1, 2 and 3 and now we are publishing the full story as a book!

We are calling on you to help make this a reality by preordering our book on Kickstarter using the following link: Professor Otagburuagu Kickstarter._

When you open it, click on "Back Project", chose what order you're going to make, input your details and that's it.

Postal for sending the book to different countries can be very expensive so we are only selling hard copies in Denmark and Nigeria. If you're in a different country you can still order the soft copy, except you can take care of postal to your country.

There on the Kickstarter, here are the various orders that you can make:

1• For about $4: you can order the soft copy E-book

2• For about $5 you will get the soft copy E-book and also get a bonus E-book compilation of all my craziest/naughtiest blog posts. (For those who don't know, I've been running a Humour, deeper thoughts and sex talk blog for some years now and I've created some of the craziest pieces you would ever come across 😈)

3• For about $7 you can get the hard copy and the bonus E-book compilation if and only if you're in Nigeria.

4• For about $14 you can get the hard copy and the soft copy at the same time if and only if you're in Copenhagen or anywhere in Denmark.

5• For about $17 you can get 3 copies of the hard copy and one soft copy if and only if you're in Nigeria.

6• For about $34 you can get 3 copies of the hard copy and one soft copy if and only if you're in Denmark.


The price is not the same in Nigeria and Denmark due to the varying cost of production in both countries.

(Please comment below if you're having any problem on the usually smooth running Kickstarter site)

The Book is About...

Professor Otagburuagu, the middle-aged evil criminal mastermind who abides in the shadows and is sought after by wealthy elite Nigerians who needs to consult him for his criminal master plans and evil expertise. An evil elderly gentleman witty and sharp tongued. This novella is about a hunt for him by an honest police inspector called Inspector Raymond.

The story is filled with mystery, suspense, smarts, useful information, philosophy and depth, intriguing dialogue, fantasy, sex and a lot of humour.

So my dear Hivers, please support our book by preordering, it promises to be a thoroughly entertaining book. Thank you!

You can also help by sharing this post and telling your friends and communities who like entertaining books to key in too.