Review of the short story "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe / Reseña del cuento "Corazón Delator" de Edgar Allan Poe [ Eng / Esp ]



Hello my dear beehive viewers! A cordial greeting to you. One afternoon I was looking for interesting stories of memorable writers and I found a book called "The Tell-Tale Heart" by the renowned American Edgar Allan Poe. I did some research and the book was published in 1843, in the literary periodical The Pioneer, in the genre of my preference, fantastic horror, belonging to the gothic narrative.

Edgar Allan Poe presents us with a tale of terror that immerses the reader in the mentality of a murderer who tells a story that crosses borders and keeps you in expectation of an outcome that will unsettle you.

The story is narrated in first person by the main character who does not give his name, who begins the story by saying: "Listen and observe with how much sanity, how calmly I tell you my story", based on a crime committed by his own person, arguing the reasons that led him to the execution of such an act.

He expresses in detail the aspects that made him feel threatened by the eye of an old man who lived with him, referring that the eye was "similar to that of a vulture", for this reason he decides to get rid of the old man and during the eight-day process prior to the murder he tells how he planned his attack.

During the reading, a sinister and shocking scene is conveyed. The main character tries to show things from his point of view and, although he is clearly a disturbed person, he is conscious of his actions, telling in great detail a crime that takes the reader into a disturbed mind, experiencing his paranoia and nervousness.

The most impressive part of the reading was the way in which this character tries to save himself from his great guilt once the police pay him a visit due to an alert given by the neighbors. And the truth always comes to light, between heaven and earth there is nothing hidden, and so it was. A disturbed mind that remains silent is a mind that carries a weight and ends up speaking for itself.

I particularly found fascinating the way in which he shows an unconditional climate between the reader and the main character, because he has turned us into the judges of this story that is produced as a confection.

Finally this fairy tale villain is trapped by the harsh reality that surrounds him, the great burden of conscience makes him listen to the strong beating of a victimizing heart that leads him to imagine that he has been heard by the police and ends up confessing to the crime committed.

If you have not yet read it and it has caught your attention, read it, you will not regret it. It is one of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous stories.



¡Holaa mis queridos espectadores colmenas! Un cordial saludo para ustedes. Una tarde me encontraba buscando cuentos interesantes de escritores memorables y encontré un libro llamado "El corazón delator" del reconocido norteamericano Edgar Allan Poe. Indagué y el libro fué publicado en 1843, en el periódico literario The Pioneer, del género de mi preferencia el terror fantástico, perteneciente a la narrativa gótica.

Edgar Allan Poe nos presenta un cuento de terror que sumerge al lector en la mentalidad de un asesino que cuenta una historia que traspasa las fronteras y te mantiene a la expectativa de un desenlace que te inquietará.

La historia está narrada en primera persona por el personaje principal quien no refiere nombre, el cual dá inicio al relato diciendo: "Escuchen y observen con cuánta cordura, con cuánta tranquilidad les cuento mi historia", basado en un crimen cometido por su propia persona, argumentando las razones que lo llevaron a la ejecución de tal acto.

Expresa con detalles aspectos que lo hacían sentirse amenazado por el ojo de un anciano que vivía con él, refiriendo que el ojo era “semejante al de un buitre", por tal motivo decide deshacerse del anciano y durante el proceso de ocho días previos al asesinato relata la manera en como planificaba su atentado.

Durante la lectura se logra trasmitir una escena siniestra e impactante. El personaje principal intenta mostrar las cosas desde su punto de vista y, si bien es una persona claramente perturbada, se muestra consciente de sus actos, al relatar con sumo detalle un crimen que adentra al lector en una mente trastornada, experimentando su paranoia y su nerviosismo.

Lo más impresionante de la lectura era la forma en como éste personaje trata de salvarse así mismo de su gran culpabilidad una vez que los policías le realizan una visita debido a una alerta que dieron los vecinos. Y es que la verdad siempre sale a la luz, entre cielo y tierra no hay nada oculto, y así fué. Una mente perturbada que calla es una mente que carga un peso y termina hablando por si sola.

Particularmente me pareció fascinante la manera en como muestra un clima incondicional entre el lector y el personaje principal, pues nos ha convertido en los jueces de ésta historia que se produce a modo de confección.

Finalmente este villano de cuento es atrapado por la cruda realidad que lo envuelve, el gran cargo de conciencia lo hace escuchar el fuerte latido de un corazón victimario que lo lleva a imaginar que ha sido escuchado por los policías y termina confesando el crimen cometido.

Si aún no lo has leído y te ha llamado la atención, pues léelo, no te arrepentirás. Es uno de los cuentos más famosos de Edgar Allan Poe.

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