Books, reading, literature

A little over a year ago I belonged to a children's reading club, I joined as a mom, taking advantage of the spaces that my city gives me, little by little we have gained ground and every week more children join.

It is a small club, created by the mayor's office of my municipality, dedicated to shared reading among children in the community and in which my 8 year old son participates.

I help where I can, I bring books from my library to share with those who attend and exchange ideas.


She is a love, a being full of light, dedicated to do good, for her and her family, benefiting others and bringing a good message, today I can say that she is my friend, we have shared pleasant moments and we share many things, she has wonderful daughters and a husband like no other.

In the club, we share readings for children from 2 to 12 years old or more, anyone who wants to join is welcome, besides books we have done other activities, such as crafts according to the special commemorative dates, once we made puppets, everyone brought fabrics, threads, felt, glue, that day was super!


We must always encourage reading in our children and young people, at home, at school, everywhere, reading opens up a world of possibilities.

All parents want their children to be good readers because the benefits it has for the cognitive development of children is invaluable, but many times the time factor does not favor them.


How to do it?
After knowing this part of the story you may want to know what you should put into practice with your children.
Some of the steps to follow are:

  • Discuss with the group of friends with whom your children have affinity.
  • Define how many times a week (for example: twice a month or two Saturdays).
  • Choose different themes to be discussed each week (stories, fables, poetry, etc.).
  • It would be great if there was a guest speaker related to what they are reading from time to time.
  • The content has to be dynamic and have complementary activities (drawing, crafts).
  • Have two clear objectives: to win with books and to leave aside so many screens.


What we want to achieve with this is that reading does not bore or tire them, nor that they see it as an obligation... the secret is that they feel that reading is leisure, it is part of their free time.

Reading helps to work on and improve intrapersonal intelligence (capacity to establish positive bonds with others) and improves self-knowledge and thinking capacity.
The habit of reading should not be an obligation, it should be one more interest that children like to enjoy.

Source: All images were taken from PIXABAY.
The poster was made with the CANVA tool
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