It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover – A Book Review (Is it worth the hype?)

“There is no such thing as bad people we're all just people who sometimes do bad things”― Colleen Hoover, It Ends with Us

While scrolling through TikTok, I came across a video saying that It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover is the “kind of book that would leave you heartbroken and shattered for days". I was bored and well, curious so I tried reading it. To be honest, I did not expect that much because I thought it was just a “typical love story”. Guess I was wrong…

It Ends with Us is a novel written by Colleen Hoover and was released last 2016. It is a standalone contemporary romance novel that mainly tackles domestic abuse and how it taints a relationship. The story conveys graphic scenes and sensitive topics. You’ve been warned!

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Let me start this review with the book dedication. A book dedication is a way for authors to confer a high honor on someone they want to recognize or honor in some other way. And all I can say is that Colleen Hoover took book dedications to another level. Here it goes:

For my father, who tried his very best
not to be his worst.
And for my mother, who made sure
we never saw him at his worst.

After reading this, a realization hit me. This book will speak to me on a deep personal level.

The Story

The book started with Lily Bloom meeting Ryle Kincaid at a rooftop building in Boston right after she gave an epically disastrous eulogy for his father. Despite exchanging different naked truths, they both decided to just part ways as they don’t have a mutual understanding when it comes to relationships. Ryle only wants one-night stands while Lily wants to have a serious relationship.

After six months, the two met again because apparently, Lily’s new hired worker in her flower shop is Ryle’s sister. What a coincidence, right? There, they took risks and started a relationship together. Life is fantastic, almost too good until one incident shatters this perfect life. When confronted with terrible situations, Lily needs to make a decision that will be painful but is the right thing to do.

The Characters

Lily Bloom – I am always a fan of strong and courageous characters, and Lily is one of them. She is a brave and compassionate character who always puts the needs of others first before her own. I also want to commend her strength in ending her relationship with the one she loves the most. Just imagine the pain she’d gone through for letting go of the love of his life. Lily is a warrior and I am so proud of her.

Ryle Kincaide – I’m not going to deny the fact that I fell in love with Ryle at the start of the story. Ryle is a neurosurgeon. Yes, a NEUROSURGEON. He is smart and ambitious. He is passionate about his field. That’s why I was so heartbroken after I’ve read the horrible things he did to LIly. It’s as if I can feel her pain. Why Ryle?

Atlas Corrigan – Atlas is the ideal guy every woman wants. Yes, Atlas is the standard! I want someone to love me as much as Atlas loves Lily. He is not born with riches but he worked hard to be successful. He deserved all the love that he got.

As I’ve said earlier, the novel is not your typical love story. It tackles how domestic abuse affects a person and how a survivor finds the strength to end the cycle. I am embarrassed to say that I was one of the people who wondered why some of the victims of abuse are doing nothing about their abusers. It's indeed simple to make judgments, but it's much more difficult to put yourself in their shoes and experience what they're going through like I did while reading this book.

Yes, this book lives up to its hype. The TikTok video I watched was right. It Ends With Us left me heartbroken and shattered for days. I highly recommend this book!


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