If I Never Met You : A Book Review

I'm a sucker for great love stories. Younger me read many of them before discovering my love for crime fiction. I added a few romance novels to my library some months ago and today I'll be sharing a review of the most recent one I read.

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Book details;
  • Title: If I Never Met you.
  • Author: Mhari McFarlane.
  • Release date: 6 January, 2020.
  • Genre: Romance.

First impression

I judged this book by its cover. There isn't much going on there but the simplicity and everything are aesthetically pleasing. The title doesn't reveal too much but I think it's very fitting. The cover and the title made me curious about what would go down in the story and I couldn't wait to find out.


The book is about a jilted lover. In an attempt to save face and appear strong in an embarrassingly uncomfortable situation, she finds herself doing something she least expected with someone she'd never considered would be in the picture. She was falling in love all over again and she was falling in love with Him.

My Thoughts on the Book

The characters make the story and the ones here were pretty interesting which made the story enjoyable. They were developed well, their backstories made sense so you'd see why each of them is the way they are. The protagonist is the lady whose perspective of the story was narrated and the antagonist is her ex-lover who bailed on her.

The plot is very creative. The story behind their relationship; how they met, why they stayed together and why one of them eventually left, is something I enjoyed reading about. If you read romance novels you can agree with me that most of them have similar storylines. The writer took those similarities and harnessed them into something unique.

Unfortunately, besides the back story, I talked about in the last paragraph, the rest of the plot is pretty clichè. In romance though, a little clichè is expected so it wasn't bad at all. Once you get over the initial high while reading it you can guess how the story will go, you may come across a few bumps in your predictions but it pretty much ends the way you expect.

The chemistry between her and her later lover was beautiful. They had the right amount of sexual tension and cute awkward moments that seemed natural and not unrealistic. I could see those scenes happening in real life so it was very believable. The new beau had a lot of characters and features that would make any boy-loving girl swoon and I did...a little lol.

This part of the book came as no surprise as the writer being female probably wanted to make him seem like the type of man any girl would want and she succeeded in doing just that.

Review Summary

The book has an interesting storyline that will keep you happily engaged till the end. It has a good ending so you don't have to worry about unnecessary cliffhangers and equally frustrating stuff.

If you are looking for a good, modern-day set, exciting romance story to read then this is for you.

I rate this book an 8/10.

I'd like to know your thoughts if you've read this book and if you haven't, does it sound like something you'd consider reading? Please let me know 🙃

The photo of the bookcover used is a screenshot taken from my library.

Thank you!❤️

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