Heard Of Camille, The Chameleon?

I was very excited for this contest. Being a straight-up book addict, I’d say that there’s nothing that comes quite as satisfying as getting lost in the pages of a good book. Mystery, Romance and Fantasy are my favourite book genres. And to be honest, a book needs to have at least a little bit of the second genre for me to be interested. Hehe. Although, on some very rare occasions, a book was so good that I scarcely noticed.

What Would You Do If You Met Your Favourite Fictional Character

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This wasn’t so easy to think of. I’ve had a lot of favourite fictional characters. Characters that have affected me in one way or another or I was just in awe of their charisma, wit, resilience, fearlessness and rebellion (the good kind, that involves defying societal or familial impossible expectations). I wish I could say that these characters are men, but since most of the books I’ve read have women playing the lead role, my favourite characters are usually them. Offering my sincerest apology to all the fictional men of the world. Y’all still make my heart beat in the best of ways, lol.

Screenshot from my e-library

Moving on, have you heard of the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter? I fortunately stumbled on this series about five years ago. Unfortunately, the person I’d got it from only had the third book in the series, Don’t Judge A Girl By Her Cover. I read that book first and I was completely and utterly enraptured. As soon as I could find it, I got the rest of the books in the series. Six in total. And from there, I found Camille Morgan. Otherwise known as Camille, the Chameleon.

A school for spies. A girl who can fluently speak fourteen different languages. And can blend in the background so well, that she earned that nickname, the Chameleon. Being in a school that taught girls of the premium elite families how to be undefeatable spies. Reading it was like stepping into a world where everything was possible. Where the most important rule and lifeline to these girls was to Never Blow Your Cover!

Camille, the Chameleon, daughter of the Principal showed her courage, her resilience and her loyalty to herself, her family and her three best friends, Liz, Bex and Macey. Scaling through all the difficulties, startling discoveries and revelations she encountered.

If I met Camille, I would without a doubt ask how she was able to be fluent in at least fourteen languages, of which Korean is included. I know, I know.🙃 I’d tell her to teach me the covert skill of blending in, remaining invisible, and being aware of everything without others being aware of you. It’s something I’ve always wanted and admired since I dread the spotlight a lot. Invisibility is power in my opinion and Camille, the Chameleon is excellent at invisibility.

If I met Camille, I would ask her what kept her going. What made her stand firm and not crumble under the weight? I think one of the most admirable traits in a lady is the ability to be strong in the face of internal and external trauma. I’m not the best at it. I think I have a good level of endurance but in the light of all the things to face in life, I doubt I’d last a day. Camille faced betrayal and hurt and adversaries of all kinds and emerged victorious for the most of it. So, I’d like to under how she achieved it.

And also, if I met Camille, I’d ask her to tell me about all her adventures as a spy. All her most dangerous trips. All her daring experiences. The countries of the world she’s had to visit in the course of her career. I’d like to see the world through her eyes and be amazed by each line she utters. I don’t know if I’d ever travel the world. Best to satisfy my curiosity somehow, right?

All in all, Camille Morgan, the Chameleon is a very compelling character of beauty, wit and courage and each second with her would be an absolute delight.

P.S: Did I mention that I’ll ask Camille how she managed to land a hottie like Zack Goode and how things are going for them?Brooding, mysterious males to the rescue again, lol


This is my entry to the Hive Bookclub Community Contest #10 and I invite @jazclassic and @deraaa to join in the fun.

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