Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar by "GlucoseGoddess" Jessie Inchauspé

Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar

by Jessie Inchauspé

Another fad diet? Not at all! This book is packed full of science. It starts with biochemist Jessie Inchauspé wearing a continuous glucose monitor while keeping track of what she eats and when. After sharing her findings and attracting 270k followers (that's a quarter of a million people!) as @GlucoseGoddess on Instagram, she collected testimonials from people who found that her simple "Life Hacks" really work.


You might suppose that these testimonials are from the usual cult of sheep who latch onto some charismatic leader and benefit from the placebo effect, but no, judging from the comments at Instagram, these are "normal" people reporting genuine (and major!) improvements in their health after adopting these very simple, very inexpensive tips.

Almost everybody I know suffers from something that could be alleviated with some simple life-hacks. Granted, we all know someone who can eat anything and never get sick, but these same people have been known to die of cancer or suffer dementia, because in the end, most of us do not Get Away With It. When we suffer fatigue, constant hunger, diabetes, brain fog, even acne and wrinkles (even infertility!), a closer look at our diet (and the order in which we eat our foods) may convince us that our bodies are trying to tell us something. The key to hearing what it's telling us is spelled out in the book.


glucosegoddess ❤️ And you can find the list of scientific references on my website, at⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Of course I shared these Life Hacks with friends and family. Of course I have met with resistance.

It's so easy, though! Before breakfast, eat a vegetable first. My mom detests avacado, and my husband won't even try it, but there are so many veggies to pick from. Choke down a clump of broccoli (my most-hated vegetable, but I eat it anyway, because I should.) Eat some cucumber, spinach, anything green, or maybe even a tomato, but eat FIBER and VEGGIE first. Next, ideally, add a protein/fat. Apparently you can also "clothe your carbs" by having your eggs with toast, vs eggs before toast, or your bacon-egg-and cheese biscuit.

As a firm believer in the 16-hour Intermittent Fasting fad, I no longer eat breakfast. The ONLY way I could lose 15 pounds after turning 50 (and being overweight throughout most of this decade) was to practice the fasting. My mom was slow to take it up, but when she did (fasting 4 p..m. to 8 a.m. because she could never give up breakfast), she lost 20 pounds. It's been two years for both of us, and it's still working, even with the occasional cheat. (I will gain a pound overnight if I break the fast.)

So, for me, first meal of the day is lunch at 11 a.m. After reading this book, I will always make sure the first thing I eat is a veggie.

Another hack I'm following, even though I detest the stuff: a spoonful of vinegar in a tall glass of water before each meal. Yes, you can also add it during a meal or even after a sugary snack, and it will still go a long way toward leveling off the dreaded glucose spike, but vinegar FIRST is the ideal, along with VEGGIE first. Inshcauspe offers many, many tips and ideas on how to incorporate the vinegar and the veggies into your daily diet. It doesn't have to be 100% According to Protocol.

If I keep sharing what's in the book, you might think there's no need to buy the book. Not true. I don't have time to spill all the beans, and no one book review can dish up every delectable detail. GLUCOSE REVOLUTION comes with so much more than you will see at the Instagram site. Explanations on why it works, and how, with compelling test results; lots of graphs (which I skip; to me they all look alike after a while); lots of case stories from people who inspire me to take heed and follow the good advice; and lots of science, presented in layman's terms.


glucosegoddess Angels, we wrote a book !!! Well, technically, I was the one who wrote it, but it felt like you were all right there next to me as I did. It's full of your stories, the latest science, new hacks, hundreds of recipe ideas, and answers to all your questions. It's your ticket to feeling amazing and healing and still eating cake and pasta in the process... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Thank you THANK YOU for being here and building this movement together!!

I will share some "hacks" from her Instagram wall:

"image.png" Jessie Inchauspé Biochemist sharing hacks to fix... cravings _fatigue _skin _weight _diabetes _PCOS _while eating the food you love.
👇the book!👇

It's so simple:


No, I don't aspire to become an angel or a "goddess," but I'm already doing this:


I would buy copies of this for dozens of people I know. For now, I've been sharing the Instagram site. For skeptics, the book offers proof that this is more than some new fad diet. It's not even a "diet." It's a few simple things we can do lower the impact of sugar on our health.

NOTE: All sugars are the same. Honey, agave, pure white cane sugar, brown sugar, the list goes on and on, but the same glucose molecule is what all sugars break into. Yes, some sweeteners are worse than others (high fructose corn syrup, for one). Fruit juice is terrible: three times the sugar of one piece of fruit, minus the fiber. These are things you may already know, but fear not, there is a lot of stuff in this book that you do not already know unless you've been researching it already.

The good news:

YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE and eat it too.

You do not have to purge all sweets from your diet.

Also, FAT is good for us! Never mind all those years of scientists telling us to avoid eggs and butter. They were WRONG.

There are good fats and bad fats, but sugar is all the same.


Thank you for reading!


because Kean sounds like Kane (not keen, hint, hint)

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