Faceless: A Ghetto Life Inspired Story.

Life without words is nothing as words are the main ingredients that make the world. And this brings us to books. Yes! The presence of words is what makes a book, which is why I have always found myself reading more and more.

I can't remember the first book I read as a child, but I do remember some books I read afterwards and one of them is a book that I resonate with so much because it touched my heart. This book sends a very strong message to the reader, and being someone from a world like mine, I could resonate well with every word that was stapled in the book.

Being from a country where the government hardly cares about the citizens' well-being or health is very sad. The economy is worse, and it seems like last year was better than this year's kinda game in the country. It isn't a place worth being in but fate... yes, fate brought me here, and it is my turn to make the best out of it.

I remembered when life became so tough with getting a job after I finished school. I know you'd think; Well, go for interviews!... only if it were that simple. Being a lady isn't something I like in some instances because it has made people say things they shouldn't say, and during those times, a book came through for me.



It was authored by Amma Darko, a Ghanaian writer, and Kofi Anyidoho, who wrote an introductory essay that began the book, and Faceless was one of her best stories I read. It spoke about a street life of a young girl called Fofo who became an inspiration to four educated women.

The story spoke about our world. The one I grew up seeing... the world where people never sleep at night, and the day feels like no one is alive. It spoke about suffering, death, lies, and so much more! And mostly, it spoke about the government. How a mother births tons of children and doesn't care to know how her young children are living. It spoke about history. The fact that the old men and women know so much more than a history textbook can give.

Reading the story, I could resonate a lot with it because I love independence, and I have always been a hard worker. However, being a lady means some men will look at you, and the first thing that rings into their skull is sex. Disgusting! I, despite being a female, when things were getting hurt. It was a deep insult to my femininity.

Imagine a scenario where you are called for an interview, and the next thing the interviewer is telling you is that, "Let's talk somewhere else." Like where else is appropriate to speak about getting a job if not in your office? There are others who even wish to get married to me...lol. Geez, I faced a lot as a woman.

I faced all these from men. And I didn't like it a bit. I was struggling to live a good life by working with my brain and energy, not my body, but all these men want is to get some. And in this time of tiredness and with no more ounce of inspiration, Faceless came through for me. Even when my boss wrote a letter to me asking to get married to me, lol. It was so disrespectful because I knew his wife. And when I disagreed, Kanye's music became the new heard music at the office.

Here's a music video of the song.

Seeing all these, I had to quit the job because I couldn't be in a place where I was disrespected. At this moment, I went back into the world of job hunting. I had to quit the jobs I had after some time because in each one of them, I am met with bosses who didn't respect my privacy and misused theirs. Although there were works that I did and had to leave when I changed location and my bosses there were nice to me and they respected themselves. Good family men who respect me and see the intelligence that surrounds me.

However, during those unruly times, Faceless stood with me. I told myself that if a 14 years old girl in the book, Fofo, could fight her way out of death, eating one meal a day, and lots more in a slum, then I can do it too. The book became my pillar, and I always go back to it when I feel lost.

The author did so well with her words, and the book was real to me. A real-life scenario of someone who found hope when everything was lost and getting to know about the blockchain is a bigger hope for me.

It was a silver lining, and I embraced it. However, the book, Faceless, has never left my heart. The storyline still guides me. Whenever I remember how far I have gone in life due to the book's presence in my life, I get inspired to move forward in life.

One quote I like among others is;

My dream, began the boy, is to be able to go home one day to see my mother and see a look of joy in her face at the sight of me.

This part was extracted from the novel when a boy was asked what his dreams were.

We all had that dream as a child and still have it. The moment we leave home, we wish our next time going to see our parents will be filled with so much joy and happiness. You know, getting them stuff, spending time with them, and making them less worried because you are doing so well. Every sane child wants to have this feeling, and I do, too.

Though where I am now is better and faraway from the lustful eyes of these men, my earning on the blockchain isn't that good but, it is fair and I am a bit safe from perverted eyes which alone makes me happy. It brings me peace, one thing I crave so dearly in this world.

This is my response to the @creativemary question based on the inspiration of a book in regards to one's life.

The book, Faceless, isn't with me now because I just moved to a new place and I still have some of my stuff at my old place so, I got this cover from my Good read app and the quote as already stated was extracted from the book and doesn't belong to me.

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Video used is from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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