The christmas wedding || Book review

Like a phoenix he shall rise from the ashes or something like that.

I'm going to spare you all the yada yada of what I've been up to this last few days that have strung out to weeks. The reason I'm here right now is to review a book. Yes, you read that right, I'm reviewing a book. It has been what, almost a year since I have completed a book, but then somehow over the last couple of days I have completed two books, both of which I'll be reviewing (separately of course)

Let me paint a picture, it's a hot afternoon, there's no power, devices are dead, there's no form of excitement in sight. But then, you remember there's books in the house. They don't belong to you, they're your sisters', but you're sure she won't mind you lending them.

That's exactly how it happened to me. When going through your sisters' book collection options are scarce, but one has to make due of what is available, and so I did. I present to you,

The Christmas Wedding


The book centers around Gaby and her 4 adult children, Claire, Liz, Emily, and Seth. It starts off with her recording a video (set of videos), that she sends to them to announce that after about 3 years of being a widow, she is finally going to be a bride again. It was going to be a Christmas wedding and she wanted them all to be there on Christmas Eve. But then, there was a twist. No one (including the husband-to-be) knew who she'd be getting married to. Apparently, she had gotten three marriage proposals and she was willing to keep all three on hold and accept only one on the wedding day. Her children are all going through their own episodes in life, but they must all come together to make their mother happy and to see who she'll marry. -the farmer, -the rabbi, -her brother in-law. Who will she choose?


My Review

I know that's one of the most absurd plots you've ever read, same here. But I just put it in mind that it's fiction and in the world of fiction, anything can happen. I've read a couple of James Patterson books in the past and his style is usually simple and easy to follow through so this was a good first book to use to get back in that zone. But while it was all of that I did notice that it was somewhat different to the other books he's authored that I've read, perhaps he just slapped his name on it to give it more sales. Now for the actual book itself.

For whatever reason the sub plots seemed to interest me more than the main plot. The children's lives interested me more than Gaby's, but since it was the main, obviously they were all sidelined to pay attention to the main story. Gaby was painted as the likeable (most likely rich cause of all the things she did) school teacher philanthropist who took care of everyone but herself, but I didn't find her very likeable to be honest. For someone with all those qualities she felt a bit self centered, but then at the beginning she did say it was finally time for her to take care of herself so maybe that excuses her, I don't know. And then no matter how hard I tried to tell myself it was fiction, I kept cringing thinking, which men would sign up for this? There were lots of moments like that, and also Gaby's final decision in the end felt random and expected at the same time. I was expecting some sort of symbolism and build up, but there was none. It was just "You, you're the winner, I've always loved you so much." And everyone cheered including the other two who just got bashed.

Overall, it wasn't a bad book, just not a very good one. It is like one of those feel good budget films whereby you just watch enjoy, and forget about it completely after like a week or so. Good for killing time, I'd rate it a 3.3/5.



cover image taken by me

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