One True Loves 馃馃徎 Book Review

Hello and welcome! :)

I've been in a reading slump lately, so as usual my favourite author Taylor Jenkins Reid came to my rescue. This time I picked the book "One True Loves".

鉁笍 From the title and cover you might expect a light romance - nothing could be further from the truth. This is the story of 30-year-old Emma Blair, who unexpectedly loses her beloved husband and tries to put her life back together again. She experiences grief, completely changes, but slowly gets back on track and meets a new love. Everything is going well until, a few years later, her husband is found. Emma is faced with a difficult choice - should she continue with her current life or go back to her old one?

鉁笍 I will honestly admit that Taylor Jenkins Reid's books never disappoint me - and so it was this time too. I lived to see many twists and turns and was kept in suspense practically until the end as to what choice the main character would make. Despite so many plot twists, the story is written in a very realistic way and you can feel the emotions of the characters yourself.
I also really enjoyed the scenes that revealed what Emma's life was like when she met her husband. It helped to understand the character's further fate. There was only one thing that seemed quite unrealistic to me, it was the scene after Emma's decision, but I won't give away the details.

鉁笍 I recommend "One True Loves" - it's an addictive book that you will read faster than you expect!

Stay tuned!

Witam i zapraszam! :)

Ostatnio wpad艂am w zast贸j czytelniczy, wi臋c jak zwykle przysz艂a mi z pomoc膮 moja ulubiona autorka - Taylor Jenkins Reid. Tym razem pad艂o na ksi膮偶k臋 "Jedyne prawdziwe mi艂o艣ci".

鉁笍 Po tytule i ok艂adce mo偶na spodziewa膰 si臋 lekkiego romansid艂a - nic bardziej mylnego. To historia 30-letniej Emmy Blair, kt贸ra niespodziewanie traci ukochanego m臋偶a i stara si臋 posk艂ada膰 swoje 偶ycie na nowo. Prze偶ywa 偶a艂ob臋, kompletnie si臋 zmienia, ale powoli wraca na w艂a艣ciwe tory i poznaje now膮 mi艂o艣膰. Wszystko idzie w dobrym kierunku do czasu, gdy po kilku latach jej m膮偶 si臋 odnajduje. Emma zostaje postawiona przed trudnym wyborem - czy ma kontynuowa膰 swoje dotychczasowe 偶ycie, czy wr贸ci膰 do starego?

鉁笍 Przyznam szczerze, 偶e ksi膮偶ki Taylor Jenkins Reid nigdy mnie nie zawodz膮 - tak by艂o i tym razem. Doczeka艂am si臋 wielu zwrot贸w akcji i praktycznie do ko艅ca by艂am trzymana w niepewno艣ci odno艣nie tego, jakiego wyboru dokona g艂贸wna bohaterka. Pomimo tak wielu plot twist贸w, historia jest napisana w bardzo realistyczny spos贸b, a emocje bohater贸w jest si臋 w stanie poczu膰 na w艂asnej sk贸rze.
Bardzo przypad艂y mi do gustu tak偶e sceny, kt贸re ujawnia艂y, jak wygl膮da艂o 偶ycie Emmy podczas poznawania swojego m臋偶a. Pomog艂o to zrozumie膰 dalsze losy bohaterki. By艂a tylko jedna rzecz, kt贸ra wydawa艂a mi si臋 dosy膰 ma艂o realistyczna, by艂a to scena po podj臋tej przez Emm臋 decyzji, ale nie b臋d臋 zdradza膰 szczeg贸艂贸w.

鉁笍 Polecam "Jedyne prawdziwe mi艂o艣ci" - to wci膮gaj膮ca ksi膮偶ka, kt贸r膮 poch艂oniecie szybciej, ni偶 si臋 spodziewacie!

Stay tuned!
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