Member Management Notes - New Era

20 % beneficiary rewards of this post will go to @amfrak this time. For more see the latest post on Beneficiaries.


Quietly, a new era of our guild management has begun. Nothing has changed in the guidelines, and it's not supposed to. While in the beginning there was always room because players were constantly passive, there was once a moment when we removed active players to always be able to offer a free spot. That's how we found our way to the top-up auctions.

However, within the last four weeks, the pressure on the second to last place in our guild score list (below) has now steadily increased. And in retrospect, it is apparent that this happened with the arrival of @amfrak. In the six previous Member Management Notes, you can see how @amfrak is always in second to last place, and all the newcomers who stayed moved past that spot. @amfrak themselves have built up a clear four-figure score over this period, making the gap to the last open spot a significant investment for the first time. After all, anyone who doesn't outscore (and thus displace) the second-to-last spot within an ongoing brawl will be removed for good.

So the minimum contribution to stay in our enthusiastic guild will now steadily increase, which we could foresee. And I like the idea that there is now pressure to invest in guild buildings. Those who want to join or stay are challenged to push out the second to last position or hope that a decorated player will become passive, making room for new active players.

Here's to good luck!

Screenshot at 2022-05-22 00-04-34 brawl84 guild info.png



  • If you are new to this
    • What we expect from any member, in a nutshell
  • Timetable
  • Internal Player Score Table
  • Link to addendum

If you are new to this

Become familiar with the member management, please. Because the guild spots are precious, the last in our list will be removed regularly. That is part of our procedure as noted in the addendum mentioned below. And if you don't acknowledge all this within the first 2 hours after you joined, you may be removed without notice right away. How can we know? Well, you'll see! And any questions are welcome anytime!

Please understand, it is not on me to show comprehension. I'll do the best I can! Though this guild is somewhat managed like a DAO. That is Decentral Autonomous Organisation. So I simply follow the procedures that have evolved here by now. And for when you become passive and no one can reach out to you in time, ugly things can happen. As documented in past notes. See e.g. @anjanida/member-management-notes-defc067f6e74f

If you want to join and stay, we can make that happen even with presently no open spot available. We may schedule it for that you can be there the moment our weakest contributor is removed. Sounds familiar somehow? Like with a mob abandoning their weakest offspring to survive a predator attack. Your contribution needs to be enough for not being the weakest. Since there often are accounts with only little to no DEC contribution, necessary contribution to be only the second last still is small. This will raise, so you better join now then later. And everyone who got removed is welcome any time again. It's just that contributions from earlier are at zero any time an account re-joines.

What we expect from any member, in a nutshell:

Priority A: Be not the weakest contributor in our mob the moment an auction ends. This moment is when a new brawl starts.

Priority B: Some contribution within the last 7 days. If priority A applies even a quest scroll will make this, if the Lodge is not already maxed out for the rest of a season.


05/22 04:00 AM CEST - top-up auction ending, one account will be removed
05/18 06:26 PM CEST - @vahidrg192 joined
05/18 03:10 PM CEST - @orebuyer removed
05/17 02:29 PM CEST - @orebuyer joined
05/17 12:06 PM CEST - @limduul removed

Internal Player Score Table

Actively contributing accounts within 7 days and its position by score:

SpotAccountCalculated onScoreDECScrollsTimes brawledFray favorite
1@thelunacysystem05/16/2217,837,198214,9068384Gold all cards
2@prxhunter05/16/227,037,936115,3766159Gold U/D/CL
3@naive-god05/16/225,112,96085,2166053Bronze/Novice all cards
4@anjanida05/16/221,880,06028,9246579Alpha/Beta only
5@sm-rules05/16/22927,74118,1915180Silver all GF
6@jk42005/16/22800,49614,8245475any Silver, preferably all cards
7@anjadani05/16/22515,93616,1233261Bronze all cards
8@a3manolo05/16/22430,3536,2376970Any Bronze
9@sodom-lv05/16/22369,0564,8567640Bronze all cards
11@m-mirage-e05/16/22203,0404,2304882Bronze or Silver any fray
12@teerandom05/16/22148,8009,300165Silver Chaos Legion
14@tld0505/16/22101,6801,2718058Any Novice/Bronze
15@eika05/16/2241,0331,1093719Novice all cards

Passive accounts with no DEC or Scroll contribution within 7 days:

SpotAccountCalculated onScoreDECScrollsTimes brawledDays agoFray favorite

@vahidrg192 scheduled for removal.

For more recent notes an unofficial draft is at

For our recent Member Management Notes Addendum with general guidelines and procedures see

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