Today roe vs. wade was overturned.

Today roe vs. wade was overturned.

Some see this as a good thing, but I don't share their view.

Local clinics will almost certainly continue to offer abortions and this does nothing to protect the children who will be born to women who do not wish to be mothers. Childhood abuse is likely to rise in the states which mirror this ruling.

A common argument against mandated vaccinations has been, "my body, my choice." Why did the supreme court finally overturn roe vs wade? The majority of the population foolishly sought after rushed covid vaccinations and there may even be a majority who believe everyone should be forced to make the same mistake. As long as people are unvaccinated the evidence continues to mount which exposes the lies around the issue and this is a threat to the religion of modern medicine. Now, we can expect vaccine mandates to be fast tracked into law.

consider this copy/paste from wikipedia:

Prior to Roe, the Chancery Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey found that a pregnant Jehovah's Witness woman could be ordered to submit to lifesaving blood transfusions due to the state's compelling interest "to save her life and the life of her unborn child."[232] The Court appointed a legal guardian to represent the unborn child, and ordered the guardian to consent to blood transfusions and to "seek such other relief as may be necessary to preserve the lives of the mother and the child".[232] After Roe, the Fifth District Appellate Court in Illinois ruled that medical professionals had wrongly transfused blood into a pregnant Jehovah's Witness woman on the basis from Roe that the "state's important and legitimate interest becomes compelling at viability" and her fetus was not yet viable.

The healthcare industry is the biggest lobbying group in the USA and they allowed this to happen because they know that abortions have already been normalized and they forsee greater profits in mandated vaccinations than losses from reduced abortion rates.


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