Raising children in the twilight zone

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As a mother to a little girl I find myself being drawn to what is happening to our children in this country.
Children, in Kindergarten, are being taught about sexuality. They are being given information on how to change their gender, oh better yet, that gender doesn't exist; we have teachers bragging about their conversations with children as young as four years old and guidance counselors making TikTok videos expressing their anger over being told to take their BLM and Pride flags down. We have young women who have worked their entire life for a shot at a championship medal in the sport of their choice, only to have it be taken from them by young men who claim to be a woman.
We have young girls being raped in school bathrooms by boys wearing a skirt and school boards covering it up.
We have young children making life altering decisions before they can even do long division, before they go through puberty, before they get their learners permit, before they work their first job, do I need to go on?
We have schools creating "transition closets" for children who haven't told their parents that they are transgender.

Throughout their efforts to protect the rights of trans people, they are trampling all over the safety and rights of young girls and women all over the world.
They are putting into the, not fully developed, brains of young boys that if they feel like they are a woman, well, they can be.
Now imagine a young boy, whose social media is flooded with all of this information, who sees another young boy enter a girls room and attack one of the girls in there and was just given a slap on the wrist. These young boys who are experiencing certain sexual urges; ones who may have gotten turned away from a love interest and now find that they can just say they want to be a woman and commit acts that men serve time in prison for.
Such silly things to be teaching our young people.
Now, please understand, I have nothing against the trans community. If you feel deep within your heart that you were born in the wrong body, well that should be something you deal with on your own and with people you surround yourself with because here's the thing, gender is real. It's Biology 101. Keep those conversations out of the classroom and allow for the parents to handle any concerns their child has.
What I am expressing here is the fact that their way is the only way and that it is being shoved into the faces of our children before they can even write their name.
If another human expresses their concern over the grooming of their child, they are automatically labeled as "transphobic". And we just have to sit back and accept it?
Please go on and live your life, it's your right, but remember we have the right to speak out with our concerns also and when our voices are heard it's not because of transphobia or discrimination, it's for the protection of our children.

*Little Side Note:
We have the newest woman Supreme Court nominee unable to define the word woman. She also is known for going far below what prosecutors suggested in child pornography cases. And we have people in this country who believe this woman deserves this position. A woman who has been touted throughout main stream media as "the first black woman" to be nominated for such an honor, but yet, she simply cannot define the word woman. Nor does she seem to have any interest in protecting the rights of the children.
How will our sons and daughters feel safe in a society that seems so eager to destroy them?
Parents are stepping up all over the country and it needs to continue before it's to late.

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