Como si fuera para siempre / As if it was forever


Así eran sus cortas veladas, de besos frescos, escenas apasionadas, efímeras, tan breves como en rodaje de película romántica, pero estas eran de esas en las que se percibe un vacío romance.

Con el pasar de los meses sus cuerpos comenzaban a entenderse mejor, se gustaban pero no sabían que querían ,para el momento estaba bien simplemente enredarse en la cama, uno dentro del otro, con alguna caricia, deseando sentirse amados y fuera esa situación era como si nada ocurriera.

En unos de sus encuentros, luego de haberse permitido fundirse tanto, ella sentía como su cuerpo pasaba por un trance, a penas podía respirar, era tanto el placer que no cabía en su cuerpo.

Lo abrazó, por su cabeza pasaban miles de ideas que quería comentar , de lo que recién había ocurrido, pero siempre que decía algo o hacía alguna pregunta ,él las evadía con una respuesta insípida.

Acostada en su pecho ella cavilaba, entendiendo la sensación de las personas que ella había amado tanto y sin importar la historia, de un momento igual se iban.

So were their short evenings, of fresh kisses, passionate scenes, ephemeral, as brief as in a romantic movie shooting, but these were those in which an empty romance is perceived.
As the months went by, their bodies began to understand each other better, they liked each other but they didn't know what they wanted, for the moment it was fine just to get entangled in bed, one inside the other, with some caress, wanting to feel loved and out of that situation it was as if nothing happened.
In one of their encounters, after having allowed themselves to melt so much, she felt her body go into a trance, she could hardly breathe, the pleasure was so great that she could not fit in her body.
She hugged him, in her head there were thousands of ideas that she wanted to comment on what had just happened, but whenever she said something or asked a question, he evaded them with an insipid answer.
Lying on his chest she pondered, understanding the feeling of the people she had loved so much and regardless of the story, they were leaving anyway.
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