Ojos violeta (Cuento Corto) / Violeta eyes (Short Story) (Esp-Eng)

Saludos, Hivers amantes de la literatura, a continuación comparto con ustedes mi participación en el Catorceavo Extraño Concurso, convocado nuevamente por @Saulos.

Al finalizar éste, les dejo la versión en inglés, para la cual me ayudé con el traductor DeepL. La imagen presentada es creación de @saulos con algunas modificaciones hechas con el editor de fotos de Google.

Espero sea de su agrado.

Greetings, Hivers lovers of literature, here is my participation in the Fourteenth Strange Contest, called again by @Saulos.

At the end of this is the English version, for which I helped myself with the translator DeepL. The image presented is a creation of @saulos with some modifications made with the Google photo editor.

I hope you like it.


Ojos violeta


De niña enfermaba con frecuencia. Estaba bien en la mañana y al caer la tarde, sin previo aviso, ardía en fiebres de más de cuarenta grados que me hacían convulsionar. Esto pasaba por lo menos dos veces al mes. Mi mamá decía que algo en mi sistema inmunológico no estaba bien, los médicos nunca pudieron dar con la causa

A la convulsión seguían tres o cuatro días en los que, según mi mamá, alucinaba y describía seres raros que supuestamente estaban en la habitación. Recuerdo bien aquellos episodios y sé que no eran simples alucinaciones, aquellos seres amorfos, de dimensiones desproporcionadas y colores planos, eran una realidad para mí.

Todo comenzaba con un corrientazo en mi cuero cabelludo, de pronto todo estaba oscuro y no podía hablar. Luego lentamente empezaba a distinguirse una luz que hacía que todo tuviera el mismo color azulado. Y allí estaban estas figuras grisáceas, con sus inmensas redondeces, de cabezas diminutas, sin extremidades, de ojos absolutamente circulares y negros, nunca pestañeaban. Lo más inquietante de todo era que no hablaban, pero no dejaban de observarme.

Entre todos esos seres había uno completamente distinto a los demás. Era más bien delgado, apenas conservaba un vestigio de redondez en sus enormes nalgas, pero lo que me parecía más perturbador de esta figura era su color verde estridente y sus malditos ojos violeta que no me quitaba de encima nunca.


Con el tiempo fiebres y convulsiones fueron desapareciendo. Ya no volví a incursionar en aquel mundo amorfo de seres desproporcionados. Sin embargo, nunca pude apartar de mí al bicho verde de ojos violeta. He intentado de todo, nadie ha querido ayudarme. No lo ven y me creen loca.

Como último recurso voy a ahorcarlo con mis propias manos. Debo ser cautelosa, tomarlo desprevenido. Debo tener cuidado con su pico, se resiste, me lanza picotazos. Intenta apartarme con sus garras, pero estoy con todo mi peso encima de él, pienso que esta vez sí voy a sacarlo de mi vida de una vez por todas, ya no se mueve, sus ojos lucen blancos ahora. Estoy exhausta, siento que me falta el aire, habrá sido el enorme esfuerzo, no siento mis brazos ni mis piernas, un corrientazo recorre mi cuero cabelludo, todo se pone negro. Suena la alarma.

– Doctor, venga pronto, la paciente de la habitación 3 intentó suicidarse ahorcándose con sus manos. Está inconsciente pero aún respira.


English version


As a child I was often sick. I would be fine in the morning and by late afternoon, without warning, I would be burning up with fevers of over forty degrees that would make me convulse. This happened at least twice a month. My mother said that something in my immune system was wrong, but the doctors could never find the cause.

The seizure was followed by three or four days where, according to my mom, I would hallucinate and describe strange beings that were supposedly in the room. I remember those episodes well and I know that they were not simple hallucinations, those amorphous beings, of disproportionate dimensions and flat colors, were a reality for me.

Everything started with a rush on my scalp, suddenly everything was dark and I could not speak. Then slowly a light began to distinguish itself that made everything have the same bluish color. And there were these grayish figures, with their immense roundness, tiny heads, no limbs, absolutely circular and black eyes, they never blinked. The most disturbing thing of all was that they did not speak, but they did not stop watching me.

Among all these beings there was one completely different from the others. He was rather thin, barely retained a vestige of roundness in his huge buttocks, but what I found most disturbing about this figure was his strident green color and his damned violet eyes that he never took his eyes off me.


As time went on, the fevers and convulsions disappeared. I never again ventured into that amorphous world of disproportionate beings. However, I could never get the green bug with violet eyes away from me. I have tried everything, no one has wanted to help me. They don't see it and they think I'm crazy.

As a last resort I'm going to hang him with my own hands. I must be cautious, catch him off guard. I have to be careful with his beak, he resists, pecks at me. He tries to push me away with his claws, but I'm with all my weight on him, I think this time I'm going to get him out of my life once and for all, he doesn't move anymore, his eyes look white now. I'm exhausted, I feel short of breath, it must have been the enormous effort, I can't feel my arms or my legs, a rush runs through my scalp, everything goes black. The alarm sounds.

  • Doctor, come quickly, the patient in room 3 attempted suicide by hanging himself with his hands. She is unconscious but still breathing.


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