Reflection Hunters - The Magic of Water


I think I met my good buddy @seckorama in #beersaturday but that was a great many weeks and beers ago. I do know he loves a good beer, music, Hive communities and the Shadow Hunters one in particular. In solidarity with my old friend, I submit my first Reflection Hunters post!

You can get the details here but it is the 140th competition. You can find reflections in glass, water, mirrors, and other various materials with a little attention and you post it in the Shadow Hunters community for huge fanfare and nice rewards!

These are a collection of the reflections I have captured this summer and since.

The "Cooper Site"


I already used this picture in the #monomad community but thought I would share it again for my fellow reflection hunters. You can check the full post out here and make sure you fantastic photographers share your Black & White shots there if you don't already.

Little Trout Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park

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I am about to drop a huge What I Did This Summer post as a campaign to win 500 new followers and this epic camping trip will be part of the extravaganza for sure.


It has almost been decades since I was kidless and able to canoe into an interior lake for some camping. Shots like this one over the south-facing bay in the evening bring me back there and remind me of the power of water.

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Even when there is a flutter of a breeze enough to disturb the glasslike face of still water, these reflections ornament a perfect moment.


You can see the breeze blowing in from the southeast but not yet here to disturb the mirror image.


Brings me back to the title shot. This north-facing picture sings the song of late summer majesty that is the northern wilderness. Cool blue and deep coniferous green and a touch of deciduous orange on the horizon foreshadowing autumn.

I always loved photography but hadn't paused to capture reflections until finding this community. Sure glad I did.



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