Keeping the Clouds inside the Warehouse

Sometimes, reflections look more beautiful than what they reflected

How do you keep the clouds? I guess it won't be possible because they'll turn to water as soon as they will be put in a jar. Wouldn't they?

Keeping it may be impossible but I've kept a lot already, and probably you do too! Fortunately, at present, clouds can be stored in photos, and in this case, in my entry, I'm keeping the clouds in the the warehouse!

At least it looks that way in the photo. Lol.

The photo entry was taken May 30, 2023, when I and my colleague walked around the plant to ask for alms from our co-worker whose brother died a few days ago. More about the walks can be found here.

Here's what the window reflected at that time

This will be all, many thanks to @olgavita for hosting the reflection hunters contest and now it's on 117th week! Congratulations!

made in canva

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