A walk for Alms and more

I don't particularly appreciate asking for help, I feel ashamed of asking people for money but this time, I had to. I have done this act a few times already; I have gotten used to it but somehow I still feel ashamed.

Yesterday, I shared a walk with my co-worker, Sir Fonzy Another co-worker's sibling died and we asked for alms to donate to the family. I made a box, covered it and we went to everyone around the feed mill plant.
Here's how our walk went:

We started in the hallway outside the office building. we went to the Laboratory, Paula's cove. Kidding. I loved how Paula's lips looked like so asked what her lipstick was and asked for some and put it on my lips.

We went to the Truck weighing area and the guard house too. Most of the people we asked said they only have very little, and I say it was okay. Giving is from the heart and it was never compulsory. There are been times when people ask money from me and I don't really have a penny to give. My heart aches but that's how life goes, sometimes we have plenty and sometimes we have nothing too.

Construction is going on.

Our boss is expanding his feed mill adding Aqua feeds and another animal feed. He really is wealthy! There was even a time when he forgot about the hundreds of millions in his bank account.

But ooh, the clouds looks so fluffy.

We got inside the feed mill warehouse;

There were no trucks for loading and the production is still going on. Currently, there are two production lines and each line could produce 5,000 bags per 24 hours.

These feeds are worth millions too!
(I was just stealing pictures, sorry it's blurry)

Up to the third floor we went;

It was very hot outside and Sir Fonzy was sweating already. The third floor takes 6 plights of stairs to reach and we are already panting.

This is the view while we are on the stairs. Being here gives you a bird's eye view of the warehouse.

There are huge machines too!

This and more runs the feed mill and they needed every motor to work for a successful production.

The third floor had a window and I peeked my phone out to take photos. I wished to take a picture on the Munt Kitanglad but I only had a short reach in my arm. I took advantage of Fonzy cooling down in front of the AC to take pictures.

Here's the best I got:

This is blurry but I would still post it here. Do you know someone who sees like this without their glasses on? My mom does.

Here's a sight of the four Silos we used for corn. We use huge amounts of corn in feeds that's why we already consumed 16 Silos of corn( 2,000MT each).

Going down, Sir Fonzy used the comfort room. Again, I took advantage of the free time I had. In this site is an other expansion. This is a raw materials warehouse expansion and machines will be installed here to stock Soya meal and soya beans.

I admire how well-built the foundation was. They dig deep holes and concreted it, then covered it with soil before concreting for the floor.

Here's how I looked at that time; I wore a hard hat, a safety/reflectorized vest sunglasses, and lipstick! oh, I love the color of my lips. BUt I did forgot to wear my safety shoes on. My bad.


When we got to the Sio, I found out they were working on additional Silos too!

Look how deep they set the foundations! One of the pictures I took even revealed the foundation post of the old Silo while they are working on the new ones.


I was amazed at how plenty the stock was and how well arranged they were too. The company does stocks a lot in the fear of running out and needing it. The stock room even looked like a small hardware store except you don't buy with money from there.

Lastly, we walked toward the Boiler area

The company has a Diesel boiler and a coal boiler. Coald is used more frequently because it's cheap and the diesel boiler is just a backup for production. Steam is used to hygienize the feeds killing the salmonella virus and preventing it to spread on the livestock.

Unfortunately, Coalboilers had some negative effects. The fumes it exhausted caused the roofing to rust when it was being replaced. I was doing research last year about coal, I read that some of the countries banned them because it had negative effects and can even cause cancer. I wonder why we are using it now.

From there, we walked back toward the office, boy! It was an unplanned walk and it was fun even under the heat of the sun. I even forgot we were asking for alms, and fortunately, we have received plenty.

I did not open and count it when we reached the office, instead, I turned it over to the production supervisor to ask the night shift personnel for more.

On the way to the office, I took pictures of the clouds above the sky and they are wonderful!

What about you, have you ever asked someone for alms for somebody?

Words and images are mine;this article is bot and AI free

made in canva

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