Reflection Hunters Contest: Round 53 - My Entry - Beach Ridge Reflected in Natural Hot Pool - Far East Hawai'i - February 19, 2022

Warm greetings all. 🙏 💚

The day before yesterday, in the early morning, my partner/girlfriend, @kai-sunrise, two friends who had taken part in the women's ceremony that Kaï had led the previous night, and I went to the Hot Ponds, volcanic hot springs very close to the beach at Pohoiki, in Lower Puna, far East Hawai'i. The Hot Ponds are one of the beloved local gathering spots in Lower Puna, with people often visiting it to soak multiple times per week.

There were so many stunning reflections this lovely morning that I had to take a few shots, in an attempt to capture the magic I was seeing before me, some of which will likely be posted here.

This is my entry in round 53 of the Reflection Hunters Contest!

👇My entry!👇 This photo is overlooking one of the pools near the entrance to Hot Ponds. The reflected backdrop of sand, pebbles, and stones (everything out here lava in some state of disintegration) leads to the beach. A lifeguard stand can be seen in the mid-left of the shot.

Thank you all for sharing this magical Lower Puna moment with me! 🙏 💚

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