Reflection Hunters Contest Entry Round 43rd - The Highway

How have you been? These are photos entry to take part in the Reflection Hunters contest which is regularly held every week by our host @annephilbrick which is now entering its 43rd round. The objects that i took for this session are reflections of several public transportation cars on the highway located in Keude Geudong village, North Aceh district.


Apa kabar teman – teman semua? Ini adalah entri postingan saya untuk mengikuti contest Pemburu Refleksi yang diselenggarakan rutin setiap minggunya oleh host kita @annephilbrick yang sekarang sudah memasuki putaran yang ke 43. Bayangan refleksi dari beberapa mobil angkutan umum di jalan raya yang terletak di desa Keude Geudong Kabupaten Aceh Utara.


The road climbs and becomes one of the most uphill roads in the Regency, reaching a height of 8 to 12 meters. Inevitably, several cars with heavy loads were unable to pass through the road and had to be assisted by other cars because they were going to cross a bridge.


Jalan tersebut menanjak dan menjadi salah satu jalan yang paling menanjak di Kabupaten tersebut, ketinggiannya mencapai 8 hingga 12 meter. Tak ayal membuat beberapa mobil yang bermuatan berat tidak sanggup melewati jalan tersebut dan harus dibantu oleh mobil lain karena akan melewati sebuah jembatan.


On the left and right of the highway, there are shopping and shopping centers. On the right side of the road, there is a food stall selling Acehnese cuisine and also the most famous Durian Martabak (thick folding crepe filled with durian jam) in Aceh province. Previously I have posted about the oldest market in North Aceh Regency which is starting to get quiet due to the reduced purchasing power of the people due to the impact of the ongoing pandemic.

Disisi kiri dan kanan dari jalan raya tersebut terdapat pusat pertokoan dan pembelanjaan. Disebelah kanan jalan tersebut terdapat sebuah warung makanan yang menjual masakan Aceh dan juga martabak durian yang paling terkenal di propinsi Aceh. Sebelumnya Pernah saya posting tentang pasar tertua yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Utara yang mulai sepi karena berkurangnya daya beli masyarakat akibat dampak dari pandemic yang belum usai.

If you want to take part in this Reflection Hunters contest hosted by @annephilbrick to show your creative photos, let’s join The Shadow Hunters Community and don't forget to read the RULES.

Hope you guys like it and see you in my latest post.

Thank you for following and reading my blog posts. Thank you very much for the criticism, suggestions, and support from all Hivians.





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