Shadow Contest round 269 It's lockup or door ?

I hope every shadow hunter is enjoying the hunting of shadow and making pictures wherever they are finding any shadow.
I always remain eager to participate in shadow hunters and in reflection hunters contest @melinda010100
My entry for shadow hunters contest

Let's begin the behind story;
I was in university and taking classes in class room. When we have completed our classes, we came out to do some errands. I greeted ny classmates because we all came back to physical classes after holidays of two months. Everyone was smiling and busy in gossips. I was about to leave the department but when reached near the exit door, it was aww moment for me as i saw a beautiful shadow there. I drew my mobile from my pocket and clicked the snap. Later on, uploaded the picture on my WhatsApp status and everyone was saying that "Is university closed again?" They were thinking that it's lockup but it is not lockup. It's simply an exit and entrance door.

I loved the photo. The sunlight was pushing itself through the door and trying to triumph the area but on the other hand lock up is not allowing the sun to pour inside. May be lockup is happy in living in darkness and don't want to observe the beauty and sparkle of light. Many times i think that life in lockup will be restricted and prisoners are living a dark life. They always struggle for a signal of light. Some of them who are lucky they receive light signal and they become successful in leaving the prison.
Home longings always knock the door in the mind of prisoners and they want to go back home. There is no place like home. Home is place of affection, attachment, love, living while prison is closure of opportunity, doors, hope and destruction.
I hope you got my point

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