Reflection of Dancing Partners| Reflection hunters

The reflection of two dancing partner is fascinating which is approaching our heart feelings. The rain fantasize the whole environment. Although, the girl and boy are dancing just in painting but we can get some aesthetic sense from this dance painting.
It's necessary that I should give you description of this picture. My University has a street where so many paintings are on wall. So, we also call this street painting walls. Obviously, next time I will come up with more pictures from this art wall.
The day when I captured this photo was I rainy day. Rain evoking feelings of love, wramth and tender. My hairs and dress was fully wet because I did not carry my umbrella. Certainly,I was enjoying the weather condition. My mood was turning to eat something spicy but I did not eat anything spicy that day. Regardless of feelings of food I went to Street just to see the wall in the rain.
And result is in front of you all guys💗

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