Shadow Hunters Contest-Round 313 Entry : The Tree Tested by Time

Hello again fellow hunters , for this week I will be showing not only a wonderful shadow but also a organism that we can learn from.

I took this shadow during our walk at a park, there are a lot of shadow on the place but this one caught my attention.

THis is my shadow entry

This shadow is from a tree, but not just an ordinary tree. It caught my attention since it is the only one that is not in a normal position . As you can see it is in a position as if it is being uprooted. This tree sure have gone a lot of challenges by the looks of it.

I may not know the whole story why its in this position , but this will teach us a valuable trait in life. That is to never give up, this tree could have died but it still manage to adapt in the situation it's in. It did not let it's trunk fell to the ground and be uprooted. Instead it grew more roots to support it's weight and not only that, it recovered .

It has a rotten trunk but it still managed to grow new branches. and look at it now, providing a shade for people to stay when the weather is too hot. A very remarkable tree indeed, hoping it will grow more a give more people a better shade.

How bout you guys do you have an interesting story about your hunted shadow?
Be sure to share it here on our SHADOW HUNTERS CONTEST.

Thanks for dropping by.
Have a good day, see you in the next one !

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