Shadow Hunters (SMASh) Round 268

Hello Shadow Hunters! 😎 📷

Hive is doing well and our community is doing even better :)
It's the 268th Shadow Hunting (SMaSh) contest in a row. Are you ready for Shadow Hunting? Shadows are everywhere, especially on a sunny day outside.

Believe me, you won't find this opportunity anywhere. You go out for a walk, take photos of shadows, post them, and get rewarded for it. Where else have you seen that? Awesome!

Just like last year, there are rewards waiting for you!
Did you know our community paid out $16,196.10 in rewards last year? $7,485.42 author rewards and $8,710.68 curator rewards? Source.
What you're waiting for?

I have also prepared some photos for today, some of them are a bit older but I haven't used them anywhere yet.

📷 😎 📷

Coffee and water
Morning walk and coffee stop. The shadow of a cup of coffee and a glass of water on the table. For the last few years, I have been drinking black coffee, diluted, without sugar. "Americano" coffee is what we call it here.

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Next to the window
At home, in the kitchen, a flower on the windowsill and its shadow on the wall. I don't know exactly what kind of flower it is because it doesn't have a blossom but I think it's orchid leaves. Or not. I have to ask my wife 😁

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Shadows in the meadow
I'm pretty sure I haven't posted this photo yet, even though it's about two months old.
Shadows of trees in a meadow where thousands of snowdrops are happily sprouting.

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Shadow of a pigeon
And finally, one lost pigeon on the pavement in the park. Unfortunately, I have nothing, not even a crumb.

That's all for now, thanks for your attention :)

📷 😎 📷

50% of the earnings of this post will go to the beneficiaries of the community (@hive-179017).

I would also like to thank @melinda010100 as the primary admin of the community, @annephilbrick for all background work, and all other sponsors that allow this contest to go ahead.

You can read more (and read carefully) about the prizes and conditions of participation in this contest here.

Good to know:
All comments here and on all Shadow Hunters community posts get staked ARCHON tokens!

I wish you successful shadow hunting!

If you are interested in more contests that are currently running, I suggest you check out the latest ArchonTribe News.

📷 😎 📷

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