It's My Entry To Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest Round 230

Hola, amigos, esta sombra oblicua de un abuelito de cansado caminar, apoyado en su bastón, me pareció muy hermosa. Y es mi participación para esta semana 230. Aunque debo confesarles que lo de "cansado caminar" es más poético que real.Nunca había visto yo un abuelito que caminara tan rápido. Cuando noté la hermosa sombra que se formaba detrás de él me detuve un momentito para sacar el celular dela cartera...y ya me llevaba cuadra y media de ventaja. Practicamente tuve qué correr tras él para alcanzarlo,pero...creo que valió la pena.

Hello, friends, this oblique shadow of a grandfather tiredly walking, leaning on his cane, seemed very beautiful to me. And it is my participation for this week 230. Although I must confess that "tired to walk" is more poetic than real. I had never seen a grandfather who walked so fast. When I noticed the beautiful shadow that formed behind him, I stopped for a moment to take my cell phone out of my bag...and he already had a block and a half ahead of me. I practically had to run after him to reach him, but... I think it was worth it.

Creo que mis amigas @yusmi y @yujomar podrían estar interesada en participar en este concurso convocado por @melinda010100,por ello las invito a leer sus bases clicando acá

I think my friends @yusmi and @yujomar could be interested in participating in this contest called by @melinda010100, so I invite them to read its rules by clicking here

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