My entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round #58


I was finally on vacation. I was so tired that I couldn't move a muscle, just stood helpless by the pool looking at the sky through the sunglasses that made me see a pink world. I walked away in the middle of the afternoon when there was some family with children swimming in the pool destroying that magnificent reflection of the clouds. I would return at sunset when the atmosphere returned to calm, and while everyone was getting ready for dinner, I was looking for the first star of the evening.

Ero finalmente in vacanza. Ero cosi stanco che non riuscivo a muovere un muscolo, solo me ne stavo inerme a bordo piscina guardando il cielo attraverso gli occhiali da sole che mi facevano vedere il mondo color rosa. Mi allontanavo nel pieno del pomeriggio quando c'era qualche famiglia con bambini che nuotavano in piscina distruggendo quel magnifico riflesso delle nuvole. Tornavo all'ora del tramonto quando l'atmosfera tornava calma, e mentre tutti si preparavano per la cena io cercavo la prima stella della sera.

Enjoy with us the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 58 by @olgavita here:

The photo is of the author.

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