Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest round 60


Teresa hated cars. As a young girl, she had a bad accident on her way to school, sha had an emergency operation on her right leg, was forced to stay in bed for more than two months and had to undergo a long rehabilitation. Physical pain was something she could endure, she knew it was only a matter of time, progress was slow but she was determined. What she didn't tolerate was the psychological fear she was left with: she was afraid of anything that came close to her and could not cross the street alone. And this fear lasted much more than a few months.

Teresa odiava le macchine. Da ragazzina, andando a scuola ebbe un brutto incidente, venne operata d'urgenza alla gamba destra, fu costretta a stare a letto per più di due mesi e dovette seguire una lunga riabilitazione. Il dolore fisico era qualcosa che poteva sopportare, sapeva che era soltanto questione di tempo, i progressi erano lenti ma lei era determinata. Quello che non tollerava era la paura psicologica che le era rimasta: aveva paura di qualsiasi cosa le si avvicinasse e non poteva attraversare la strada da sola. E questa paura durò molto più di qualche mese.

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