Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest round 42


Lorenzo's passion was trekking in the mountains and seeking peace in the silence of nature. This was what he told everyone, but it was a lie: in reality he was looking for lakes where nature could reflect itself, in particular he was looking for those imperceptible moments in which everything was still and the reflection of the mountains in the water was not distinguished from reality. He was convinced that these motionless reflections were time gates to other dimensions of life, even though he still hadn't found the right ones.

La passione di Lorenzo era fare trekking in montagna e cercare la pace nel silenzio della natura. Questo era quello che raccontava a tutti, ma era una bugia: in realtà cercava i laghi in cui la natura potesse specchiarsi, in particolare cercava quei momenti impercettibili in cui tutto era fermo e il riflesso delle montagne nell'acqua non si distingueva dalla realtà. Era convinto che questi riflessi immobili fossero delle porte temporali per altre dimensioni anche se ancora non aveva trovato quelle giuste.

Enjoy the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 42 by @annephilbrick #hive-179017

The photo is of the author.

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