Reflection Hunters Contest Round 184 "Twin Steel Towers".

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. Today's post photos are for Reflection Hunters Contest Round 184. This is the Reflection Hunters Contest run by @olgavita . The photograph shown above has been submitted to participate in the contest. This photograph was captured in the camera while I was sitting in the canteen during recess time during a visit to an office. The steel tower seen in the photograph above is two boxes of cumin and salt. Which is to be added to the dish according to the taste.

I was free early that day and it was still time for the canteen to start. So when I was sitting free I saw this reflection scene. Apart from the two steel towers, the gate in the background and the reflection of the light falling on it could easily be seen in the black stone. Of which I captured many photographs which I present to you here.

I have submitted about 6 photographs here for this reflection contest. As per the rules of the contest, my first photograph has been submitted to participate in the contest. Another feature of this photograph is that the reflection of the surrounding scenes is also seen in the black stone. All these photographs of mine are absolutely perfect for this contest.

Let me conclude my post here with the last photograph shown above. I hope you like my photographs from this contest.

I hope that my post will be accepted for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 184.

I sincerely thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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