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Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 159 - 🌴 my entry


I took these pictures in the Winter Garden with tropical plants. I was surprised by the shape of these fern leaf shadows. They were somehow much more curved than the leaves themselves and reminded me shadows of giant feathers. It was so strange for me that I started taking pictures jus because of that fact - it was the time when I had not been "infected" with hunting for shadows 😉 .

This is my entry to the SHADOW HUNTERS Contest Show Me a Shadow, Round 159, created by @melinda010100 and hosted by the team of @hive-179017.

If you are also a shadow lover, here is the link to the contest for those who also hunt shadows and would like to participate:

There are some rules for those who want to enter, so please study them before publishing your post.

The pictures were taken with the camera of my telephone Huawei P9.
This post was created and posted using @ecency

Thank you for visiting my blog 😀🌷