My Entry - Shadow Hunters #193


Everything was ready for dinner. Tilde was waiting for her family to celebrate a special event. She was so excited and happy, she didn't think it would happen, instead she was moved like a little girl in her first crush. That heartbeat, that hope that suddenly became infinite, that total change in life's priorities: her son was about to become a father and she was about to become a grandmother.


Tutto era pronto per la cena. Tilde stava aspettando la sua famiglia per celebrare un evento speciale. Era cosi eccitata e felice, non pensava sarebbe successo, invece si era commossa come una ragazzina alla prima cotta. Quel batticuore, quella speranza che improvvisamente era diventata infinita, quel cambiamento totale delle priorità della vita: suo figlio stava per diventare padre e lei stava per diventare nonna.

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