My entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round #54


Francesco was sure that there were parallel worlds, the same as ours, like reflected twins, but at the same time different because things could have gone differently. A sort of sliding doors, to understand. In his late teens he still felt inadequate, it seemed to him that everything he did was wrong, school was a pain, he didn't understand girls, he didn't trust friends. Was it possible that there was no way to see how things would go by behaving differently?

Francesco era sicuro che ci fossero dei mondi paralleli, uguali al nostro, come gemelli riflessi, ma nello stesso tempo diversi perchè le cose potevano andare diversamente. Una sorta di sliding doors, per capirci. Nella sua tarda adolescenza si sentiva ancora inadeguato, gli sembrava che tutto quello che faceva fosse sbagliato, la scuola era uno strazio, le ragazze non le capiva, degli amici non si fidava. Possibile che non ci fosse un modo per vedere come sarebbero andate le cose comportandosi in modo diverso?

Enjoy with us the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 54 by @olgavita here:

The photo is of the author.

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